The last fight.

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this is the last chapter of this book. Thank you all so much for reading and i cant wait to start the second book!

Without further ado, 'The last fight.'

Bellamy POV

We got home and I immediately stormed up to my room to get ready. I know i should be spending as much time as i can with Clarke, but the more i look at her, the more i'm gonna miss her. She's taken a piece of my heart. No one will ever replace her, but that doesn't mean i cant try to forget. Right?

I mean, she isn't seriously gonna travel over here once a month. She's just saying that to herself so it will be easier to leave...

I get dressed and i make my way downstairs. I see Clarke and O sitting on the lounge going through Clarke's things. I walk into the kitchen to grab my keys. Seconds later i hear Clarke say my name from behind me.

"Bellamy." Clarke says in a soft tone.

I turn around. "Yeah."

"Um, well.. I don't know how to say this but, um. My flight has been moved to tomorrow morning."


"There's supposed to be a massive storm on Friday, so they've moved my flight to tomorrow. I have to leave in 10 hours.."

A lump forms in my throat and my stomach drops. I nod.

"Okay." I say.

"Okay? Is that it?" She asks.

"What do you want me to say, Clarke?"

"I want you to say that you're okay with this. Me, leaving. I can't leave until i know that you're going to be okay." I can see the glassiness in her eyes.

"I told you Clarke. I am never going to be okay with this. Ever. But like i said, I can't stop you. You made this decision on your own. You want to be with your family. I wont stand in the way of your happiness."

"But you're my happiness." She says as she walks over and puts her arms around my waist.

"So is your family." I remove her arms and grab my keys. "I'll see you later."

And with that. I leave.


Clarke POV

A tear falls as i watch Bellamy walk away. My heart just broke. 'I'll see you later.' ? Is that all he has to say to me? After everything we've been through, this is how it ends?

I don't even know if i should come and visit anymore. He obviously doesn't want to talk to me, or look at me..

I sigh and wipe my tears. I walk back into the lounge room to see Octavia sitting there studying the open suitcase. "Octavia, what are you doing?" I run over and shut the suitcase immediately. "I already told you, i've packed that one."

"Clarke." She looks at me astonished. "What the hell is that?"

"Is what?"

"In your suitcase, i saw-"

"It's nothing, Octavia."

"Clarke, i saw what i saw. Is this real?"

I clench my eyes together. "You can't tell Bellamy, he's not in a good place."

"Clarke it's-"

"Octavia, you can't tell him." I beg. "Please, i need to be the one to do it."

"Clarke, I can't keep a secret as big as this. Especially not if it involves my brother. You need to tell him before you leave, or i will." O says before she walks into the kitchen.

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