Even more of a downfall.

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Clarke POV

I woke up on the lounge, i was sweating but i was so cold. I looked up and i saw Bellamy asleep. I smile to myself, he takes such good care of me.

I quietly sit up from the lounge, my head begins spinning as i have been laying down for a long time. I stand up and my legs are shaking a bit, how many times did i vomit last night, 4-5 times?

I shake my head and slowly make my way into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Clarke" i hear faintly, Bellamy must be awake.

"Im in the kitchen Bell"

Probably 2 seconds later Bellamy walks in. "Hey" he walks upto me and hugs me. "Are you feeling better? I was worried."

I pull away. "Bellamy, dont get too close. Whatever i have could be contagious, i dont want you and Octavia to get sick."

"Dont worry about us, we never get sick, like ever."


"Yeah i have never, been sick, like vomiting and stuff."

"Your lucky." He smiles and pulls me into another hug. I wrap my arms around him. "I think i'm getting better, I haven't vomited again yet."

"Yeah thats good, if it doesn't go away though, we are taking you to the doctor-"


"No discussion, we are going to the doctors if you dont get better after today."

I sigh. "Okay."

I sit down at the table. "Bellamy." I say quietly.

"Yeah?" He sits across from me.

"I need to tell you something. Something, really important.." he straightens himself in his chair and grabs my hands. He runs his thumb over my index finger.

"What is it?"

I take a deep breath. "Um.. my dad.. wants me to go to Australia." He looks at me intensely. "To live.."

He lets go of my hands and leans back on his chair. It stays silent for a moment.

"Are you gonna go?" He breaks the silence. My stomach drops from the slight crackliness of his voice.


"Clarke" hearing him say my name makes me want to cry. "I don't even know what to say-"

"Bellamy" i grab his hands. "My family is over there. I love them and being with them makes me happy."

"Then go." He says harshly.

I grip his hands tighter. "But my family over here makes me happy to. You and Octavia are my family. I love yous both unconditionally..-"

"But?" He asks.

"My dad, my step mom and my sister are over there. And it kills me to say this, but i need to be with them. It's like an instinct. If it were Octavia over there would you go?-"

"No don't you dare turn this back on me, Clarke. Im in love with you, more in love with you than i ever thought possible. And if i had to choose between seeing you everyday or seeing Octavia everyday, i would choose you. That's how much i love you. And it kills me, literally kills me at the thought that i could lose you. But what gives me life is seeing you happy. If going, will make you happy... then I'm fine with it."

I need you //Book one.Where stories live. Discover now