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Bellamy POV

Jake griffin turned up at our house at 8 o'clock that night, asking us if we knew where Clarke was. At first i had no idea who he was, i was ready to hit him when he opened the door and walked in without an invite. He then started asking me if i knew Clarke. Now we're here.

Clarke had tears in her eyes as she stared at her dad. I had no idea what was going through her head. All i knew was that she hated him because he left her and her mother with nothing when she was 11 years old. "Hey kiddo" Jake said with a sigh. I guess he knew this was going to end badly due to her stubbornness.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" She asked raising her voice.

"Maybe we could go for a walk and talk this out-"

"No!" She interrupted. "You left us with nothing. How dare you come back here after 6 years without one word of where you went!"

"Clarke, this is not the place to do this." Jake said.

"Then lets go because i'm not even close to done." She demanded. A tear spilled out of her eyes as she watched her father remove him self from the chair.

"After you" he said. Clarke gave me an unreadable glare before she exited the kitchen. I heard the front door shut and O and i released the breaths we didn't know we were holding.

"That was.. uh, intense" O stated.

I nodded and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Yep" i said popping the 'p'.

".. um does Jake know that um.. abby is-"

"I dont know.." I interrupted. Octavia hummed her response.

This is going to be interesting....


Clarke POV

The amount of questions that were racing through my mind was unbearable. Why did he leave? Where did he go? Why didn't he keep in contact? Why is he here? What does he want?

I walked outside and walked down the porch steps. I whipped around to face my dad.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"Clarke, I understand if you're angry with me-"

"Angry?! I am furious!-"


"No! You dont get to come back after all this time and start telling me what to do!"

"Clarke i'm only asking you to hear me out."

"You dont know the hell mom and i were put through when you left! You took the car! You took the money! You took everything!"


"Where did you go?" I interrupted.

He paused before responding. "Australia.."

"Australia?! What the hell why?! What was there that you didn't have here?!"

"Clarke, please stop yelling. Im here because i heard about what happened to abby- your mom.."

"Oh so you're here to give me your sympathy?!-"

"No, Clarke. Im here for you. You need me and I need my daughter back."

I need you //Book one.Where stories live. Discover now