Contents under pressure.

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Octavia POV

I can't handle this stress any longer. This can't be happening. I don't believe it. I need to tell Bellamy, Clarke, Lincoln, my mom and- I don't even want to think of his name... So many people are going to be disappointed in me, but there's no going back now. It's too late...

Tears flooded my eyes as I looked at the plastic piece of material that was sitting on my bathroom sink. The two red lines peered at me intensely.

I had been feeling really nauseous these past few weeks. It became worse. Vomiting all morning and sometimes even during the afternoon. I was sick, really sick with a condition called 'pregnancy'. I'm not ready to be a mom, god I'm not even ready to move out of my home yet.

I have to tell someone, someone I trust, someone who won't judge me. Clarke, I need to tell Clarke. She gives the best advice and she comforts me better than anyone. Even Bellamy.....

I honestly didn't want to tell her, she has so much that she has to deal with at the moment. Her moms death, Wells almost dying.... and Bellamy.. I didn't want to dump my problems onto her. But I have to tell somebody.

Send message to: Clarke.

Hey Clarke.. I know you have a lot of things on your plate right now, but I really need your help.. can you come over later so we can talk? It's really important...

Message from: Clarke.

Yeah sure. I'll be there soon. Is everything okay?

Send message to: Clarke.

I'll explain when you get here..


Clarke POV

I was at the cafe clearing things up with Bellamy when Octavia texted me. I'm not sure what's going on with her so I decided to ask Bellamy.

"Hey bell" I asked to get his attention, he was staring at me anyway.


"Is there something going on with Octavia?"

"I'm not sure..... whys that?" He asked.

"Oh, well. She just messaged me and told me she had to tell me something important. Any ideas on what it is?"

"No, not really... she hasn't been at the house much though. She only seems to go there whenever I'm not there.."

"Hm, that's weird. I'm gonna go and see her soon, to find out what it is."

"I can drive you.. if you want?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um, sure. Why not."

"Great let's go" he said about to get up from his seat. I stopped him by placing my hand on his.

"Not yet" I said as he stared at me surprised. He looked at my hand that was placed on his and a small smile appeared on his face. "What?" I asked.

"Your hand, I haven't felt your warmth in so long. I've missed it. I've missed you." His eyes met mine again.

"Yeah... I've missed you to.." he gripped my hand and I held his tighter. "I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Sorry for what?"

"Holding a grudge, blaming you."

"Clarke, I understand why you did it. It was my fault, I crashed into the car, not you."

"I know, it's just... when I found out Wells was going to be okay, I was still really angry at you-"

"Clarke, I understand why you are angry-"

"Was." I instantly interrupted.

"What?" He asked.

"I was angry. Not anymore. I forgive you." I swear I could see tears welling in his eyes.

"Thank you." He whispered. "So.. hows Wells doing?"

"Um yeah, he's recovering really quickly. Thelonious wants to head back home as soon as Wells is better."

"Thats good" he nods.

I smile.

We sat there staring into each others eyes for a few more minutes, until I broke the silence.

"Well I guess we should go and see what O needs to tell me."

"Yeah sure, lets go." He said as he stood up from his seat. I did the same and we made our way to the car.


"Octavia!? where are you?" I yelled from downstairs of the blakes household. She didn't answer so I yelled again. "Octavia! Are you in your room?!" I made my way upstairs and Bellamy went into the kitchen. I passed the upstairs bathroom when an arm pulled me in.

It was Octavia. Her mascara was running and her hair was ruffled. "Octavia, what's wrong?" I said as I wiped her black tears from her face.

Her breathing became fast but short. "Clarke" she said as she fell onto the ground. I immediately went after her and followed her to the ground. She was crying uncontrollably and I was hugging her as tight as I could.

"Octavia, what's wrong?"

"O-on the sink-k."

I slowly stood up and made my way over to the sink. I was stunned by what I saw. "Oh my- Octavia, you're pregnant? Oh my gosh" I looked at the lines again hoping my mind had played tricks on me the first time. Nope. There were still two lines. I was speechless, my best friend is pregnant.

"Octavia.. I-I don't know what to say.."

"I don't know if I can do this-" she said before she was interrupted by Bellamy knocking on the door.

"Hey, what's going on in there?" He asked from outside the door.

Octavia gave me a desperate look. "Um nothing really, just girl talk." I said.

"Ill be in the kitchen" he said before making his way back down the stairs. I heard his footsteps walk away and then Octavia started to sob again.

"Oh Octavia" I said while I sat on the ground again pulling her into a tight embrace.
"Um........ who's the father?" I asked.

"I-I don't know...." she replied.

I need you //Book one.Where stories live. Discover now