Christmas lunch and downfall

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Bellamy POV

Lunch was a bit more successful than I thought it would have been. there were no arguments, just friends catching up for Christmas lunch. I actually had fun.

But there was one thing lingering in my thoughts, the small box that was burning a hole through my pocket. I was going to ask her today, but I didn't and I don't know why.

I just felt like it wasn't the right time Clarke is only 18 and yes I'm almost 20, but I just feel like it would be too much pressure for her if I asked to her today. After all we have only known each other for seven months, I think it was a mistake that I bought the ring. It doesn't change the way that I feel about her it's just too soon.

The lunch started great, our guests started turning up at around 12 o'clock.

We sat in the living room talking for about half an hour until the food was ready, then we all made our way to the dining room table to eat.

The conversation was light during lunch, mostly because they were too busy demolishing my extraordinary creation of food.

Roan sat next to Clarke on the other side of the table and i caught him stealing glances at her through the lunch that showed he wanted more than a platonic friendship. I gave him a death glare and he immediately took the hint and looked away.

I don't understand how Clarke can't see that he likes her, it's literally written on his face. Even O told me to watch out for him as she thinks he may make a move on her. The thought of that makes me almost want to vomit. I can't ever bare the pain of losing Clarke it's happened before and it crushed me...

Everyone left and it's just beginning to get dark outside. I decide to go and take a shower, Clarke and Octavia are out getting dinner sorted.

I reach into my pocket before I take my clothes off. I open the little box that contains the beautiful diamond ring, meant for a beautiful girl. Part of me regrets that I didn't ask her, and part of me is relieved that I didn't. I Sit the box on the other side of the vanity. I then get undressed and step into the steaming hot shower.

After my shower I walk into my room and get dressed into my pyjamas and walk down to the kitchen. I see Octavia and Clarke sitting at the table giggling while eating pizza. I walk over to Clarke and kiss her on the cheek before grabbing a slice. I see her try to hide the blush that grows onto her cheeks.

"Aw" Octavia says. "Who knew my brother was affectionate towards anyone else other than me." She says jokingly. "And you Clarke, don't try and hide your blush we both saw it." She pauses for a moment and Clarke and I stay silent. "Oh my god do I have to say it for you? you guys are in love with each other and it's real I can see it. So dont either of you deny it."

Things just got really awkward, but in a good way.

"Okay Octavia we get it. You and your pregnant self need to leave this table before you say anything else." I say.

"Argh! Couples!" She grunts and leaves the room with a few slices.

Clarke sits at the table biting her pizza, i sit down across from her.

I see Clarke wince and she touches her stomach.

"Hey you okay?"

"Yeah i think it's just-" she gulps and covers her mouth. She looks at me with wide eyes before she sprints out of the kitchen.

I run after her, i follow her to the downstairs bathroom. The door is closed but i can hear everything. She's vomiting.

I knock on the door. "Clarke, babe are you okay?"

"Dont come in, it's disgusting in here." I hear her say weakly.

I dont care if it's disgusting. "Clarke your sick." I say as i open the door. I see her leaning her head over the toilet bowl. She wipes her mouth with a bit of toilet paper and flushes the toilet.

"Im fine, i think I've caught a bug, I've been feeling a bit nauseous today and yesterday."

I put my hand oh her forehead,
"Your heating up, come on, I'll turn on your chick flicks or the notebook and we can have an easy night."

She smiles at me gratefully, "thanks Bell."

Well, that night wasn't so easy. Clarke was up in the early hours of the morning vomiting, constantly. I tried to get her to eat something, but every time, she said that just looking at food makes her want to vomit all over again.

Her stomach finally settled down at about 9am. She fell asleep on the couch, her head on my lap. My hands tangling gently in her hair.

I hear O come down the stairs.

"Shh." I whisper. "She's sleeping."

"Sleeping? Didn't she sleep all night?" She whispers as she sits on a recliner.

"No, she barely slept. She was up all night, vomiting."

"Vomiting? Why?"

"She thinks she picked up some flu from Charlotte-"

"But you dont think so?" O says looking at Clarke.

"I dont know what to think. I think she's sick, really sick. But she doesn't want to admit that to herself."

O nods in agreement. "Just see what she's like for the rest of the day, if the vomiting doesn't subside then we will have to take her to the doctor. We can't take any risks. Her mom died of a cancerous tumour, it could be hereditary."

My stomach drops. "Lets not jump to any conclusions O, we don't even know the side effects of cancer. And plus, this could just be a bug."

O nods. "Hey, im going to get miller a birthday present, do you want me to get him something for you?"

"Uh yeah sure, just whatever you think he will like."

"Okay, what are yous doing for his birthday? Cause its on new years eve."

"I think we are just going to the bar or something, nothing that special."

"Okay, let me know how she is feeling when she wakes up." She says gesturing to Clarke. I nod and Octavia grabs her bag and leaves.

I sigh and look down at Clarke, she looks so peaceful. She has a tinge of paleness in her face, i put my hand on her forehead and she is really heating up. "You're gonna be okay princess." I say moving a bit of hair away from her face.

I listened to Clarke's steady breaths before my eyelids became heavy and I drifted into darkness.

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