All good things come to an end..

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Finn POV

I'm on my way over to see Clarke. I haven't really talked to her since the funeral. It's been really awkward between us since that night, when we went to dinner. I barely got to know her before I forced myself on her. I've hated myself ever since that night. I haven't explained myself to Clarke and I need to. It's eating me up inside...

I knocked on the door. Clarke has been staying at Bellamys ever since her mom died. It burns my heart to see them together..

Octavia opened the door. "Finn? Hey, w-what are you doing here?"

"Um, is Clarke here?"

"Yeah she's in the lounge room."

"Can I please talk to her?"

She hesitated before stepping out of the way, showing me the way in. "Thank you" I said while walking ahead into the lounge room. Clarke was watching tv with Wells, she didn't see me come in as the lounge faces the other way. Luckily Bellamy wasn't in the room.

I walked in front of the couch with my hands in my pockets. That's a thing I do when I'm nervous. Her eyes widened when she saw me. "Finn?" Her voice was surprised.

There were a few confused looks between Clarke, wells and I.

"I'll give you two some privacy" Wells said while removing himself from the couch.
He walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Clarke, mind if I sit?"

She shuffled over and made some room on the couch. I sat down and she faced me.

"What's up"

"I just wanted to clear the air between us."

"What do you mean? We're good"

"We are?"

"Yes Finn, we're good" she said with a giggle.

"It's just that, every time we talk, it's always awkward. I just want you to know that I'm sorry about everything that I've done. Maybe we can forget about all of it and start fresh?"

"Yeah, I'd like that"

It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. She leaned in for a hug, "thank you" she whispered as I accepted her hug. I could feel Octavias eyes burning through the back of my head.

I went to get up and she stopped me. "You don't have to go, we're starting fresh remember. It's not awkward for two friends to hang out, is it?"

"I suppose not" I said as I put my weight back onto the couch. We were watching some sort of tv show called 'Game of Thrones'. Clarke said she is obsessed with it and that I need to start watching it from the start. Wells joined us and We watched 2 or 3 episodes. I looked at the time, it's 10:30pm. I've been here for 3 hours and Bellamy hasn't come home yet. I can tell Clarke is worried. She keeps checking her phone and messaging Bellamy. He hasn't replied to any of her 10 messages and he isn't answering his phone. I think this is my cue. "Well I'd better be off, it's getting late.." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I need to get home"

"Okay well, drive safe." She said as she hugged me goodbye.

"Do you need a ride Finn?" Wells asked.

"Um, are you sure?"

"Yeah, lets go." Wells said as he grabbed his keys from the table.

"Goodbye Clarke." I said while getting off the couch. I walked over to the kitchen door. "Goodbye Octavia" I said with a wave.

"Bye" Octavia replied.

Driving home has never felt better. Clarke and I are back to normal and I couldn't be any happier.. Wells was crossing an intersection when there was a loud bang and I was thrown in the car. Everything went black...


Cliffhanger! What do you think happened and who caused it?

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