Christmas shopping.

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Octavia POV

1 week later...

I insisted that we all go Christmas shopping today. Theres only 1 more week until Christmas day and none of us have started shopping yet, its time to get to the shops and do some damage. I may be pregnant, but that wont slow me down.

Bell is taking Clarke and I shopping, surprisingly. If it were just me who wanted to go, bell would have said no. But Clarke talked him into it, thankfully. I have so many people i need to buy for, Bell, Clarke, Lincoln, my mom, Charlotte, Raven, Finn, Jasper, Monty, Murphy and man the list just goes on and on.

Bell and Clarke walk into the shops, hand in hand with each other. I smile at them.

"What?" They both say at the same time.

I smile. "You guys are so cute." I say gesturing to their hands. They both blush. "Well, i need to go and do some damage. So uh, can we meet at the food court at 12:30?" I ask.

They both nod their heads. "Be careful O, dont over do it." Bell reminds me.

"Ill be fine Bell." I assure him. I grab a trolley and zoom through the crowds and into the first shop i see...


Jake POV

"Charlotte, honey. Can you please grab your pyjamas off the bed and pass them here?" I hear Bianca say from the bathroom.

I hear zippers being zipped. I get curious and go to investigate. I see her packing our suitcases.

"Bianca, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean? Im packing for our flight home? Remember the 18th of December."

"I thought we would stay here for Christmas this year. With Clarke.."

"I thought we were spending Christmas at home this year." She says sadly.

"We would be, but i haven't convinced Clarke yet."

"We cant spend Christmas here, Jake. Please, I'm really home sick. I know your here for Clarke, but it's getting really hard not being at home for ages." She says as she puts her arms around my neck. "Please Jake. I promise we will come back soon. Just not for Christmas."

I think for a moment. "Give me 2 more days, i will convince her to come with us. I promise." I say.

Bianca sighs. "Fine, only 2."

She stops packing and goes and sits down with Charlotte.

How am I going to convince her?


Bellamy POV

Clarke and i shop together for a while, but split up so that we can buy each other presents. I have absolutely no idea what i am going to get Clarke.

I start browsing in all different shops looking for something. No luck.

I stop at the jewellers and look through the window. I see many shiny things that would be perfect for 'my princess'.

I walk into the shop and start browsing the earings, then the bracelets, then the necklaces, and then i find myself at the rings.

I study the rings closely for a bit. There are so many shiny, different colored rings. I hear a loud gasp that almost turns into a scream.

"Oh my god! Bell!" I whip my head around, O. "You better be doing what i think your doing!" She says with the biggest smile ever.

I am a little confused. "What?"

"Your gonna propose!" She squeals.

"W-what?" I say.

"Your looking at engagement rings! Oh my god!" She starts. "I hear wedding bells! Do you hear wedding bells?!" She yells to the other customers in the shop. They all start looking at me with big smiles on their faces.

Im still really confused. "Im just looking at rings, O" i say.

"Yeah, Engagement rings. Look at the sign you idiot."

I whip my head around and look at the sign that sitting onto of the glass. It reads. 'Engagement Rings'. I face palm.

"This is literally the cutest thing." She says.

"Octavia thats not what i was-"

"I can help you pick one if you want? When are you gonna do it? Christmas? New Years? Valentines? Oh that would be so cute!-"

"O! Jeez slow down"

"Sorry, i'm just so happy!" She says as she claps her hands. She studies the rings for a few seconds. She points. "I recon Clarke would love that one." She says. "Oh and that one. They're so pretty!"

"O, can i please speak?"

"Sure." She says admiring the rings.

"I didn't come here to look at, engagement rings."

Her face saddens. "Oh. Shit. Sorry, i just thought- cause-"

"Yeah i know, dont worry about it. Its fine"

She nods. "So, uh. I better get going, i still have a lot to buy. See ya Bell." She exits the jewellers, pushing her almost full trolley.

I look down at the rings again, the one that O pointed out had caught my eye.

"Hey, can i help you with anything?" A lady says from behind the counter.

"Uh yeah actually, can i please look at this ring?" i say pointing to it..


We finally get home and we are absolutely exhausted. O gets out of the car and walks to the trunk to retrieve her bags.

I quickly get out and stop her.

"Let me, O. Like i said, dont push yourself too hard."

She smiles. "Thanks bell, but i can handle a few things." She says as she takes a couple of bags.

I roll my eyes at her stubbornness, it really reminds me of someone. Actually where is that someone?

I walk to the passenger seat of the car to find that Clarke had fallen asleep. I smile and open the door.

I kiss her cheek. "Babe" i whisper. "Time to wake up." This time i kissed her on the lips.
Her eyes fluttered open revealing those beautiful blue eyes.

She smiles and undos her seatbelt. I make my way to the trunk again and pick up as many bags as i can, like 10. Clarke grabs a couple and we walk inside.


Only a few more chapters left until book 2🤗 the spin of events hasn't happened yet, but be prepared!

-Lily xoxo

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