Pancakes and happy moments.

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Bellamy POV

Last night was pretty, uh, I don't know how to describe it but the first half was fun. The after party was packed, full of the graduates celebrating their achievements. I was happy for Clarke. She was so grateful that Wells was here. Wells slept in my room and I slept in Clarkes room. I hated how the sun seeped through the gaps in her curtains. I needed to fix that asap if she wanted me to keep sleeping in her room with her. I woke up to Clarkes cold feet touching my legs for warmth. She always did that, when she was cold she put her feet onto my warm body. I looked over at my phone, it was 7:30 in the morning. I groaned at the feeling of being awake so early after a big night.

My hangover kicked in and I was craving pancakes. The beauty sleeping beside me was snoring her head off, I don't remember how many drinks we had last night. I untwined myself from her body and made my way down the stairs. And what did I find? A jasper and a monty sleeping on my couch. They were cuddling each other, like best friends do.
I made my way into the kitchen, shaking my head at the sight of beer cans all over the place. We must have brought the party home last night..

I made my way around the kitchen collecting all the beer cans and putting them in the bin. I rummaged through the pantry, trying to find the flour. I like to make my pancakes from scratch. I was getting ready to flip this batch over in the pan. When I heard someone walk into the kitchen. "Is some of those for me?" A voice said from behind me and arms wrapped around my stomach. I quickly flipped my pancakes over, not wanting them to burn as Clarke was an easy distraction from what I was doing. I turned around and she planted a kiss on my lips. "Jasper and monty look comfy" she said with a giggle.

"Yeah they look wrecked"

I put my arms around her waist and filled the gap between our bodies. Her blue eyes sparkling with happiness and love as she gazed into mine. "Your mom isn't going to be happy when she finds out we brought the party home" Clarke said while taking the spatula from the bench and checking the pancakes.

"Yeah, that's why we don't tell her"

"Where was she yesterday anyway? I didn't see her at the ceremony."

"She said she had something really important to attend in the city" I explained.

"More important than witnessing her two children graduate?"


Clarke hummed a song she had recently discovered as she put the cooked pancakes onto a plate. She then poured more batter into the pan.

"So uh, Wells seems nice" I said.

"Yeah, he is the best"

"Hm, did you guys ever-" I said while raising my eyebrows.

"No, we're not like that. I've never thought about Wells like that in the slightest. He's my best friend, always has been."

"Good, because I don't want another competition."

"Competition? What?"

"Starts with an 'F' and ends with a 'inn, and also starts with an 'R'-"

"Bellamy, you don't need to worry about them. I love you, no one else."

Hearing her say that makes my heart melt. I am hers and she is mine. I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't describe the way Clarke makes me feel, I knew from the moment I first saw her in that restaurant that she was different. Unlike any other girl that I had met before in my life, she was different, she was Clarke. No one could change the way I feel about this girl. I would jump in front of fast moving traffic for her. My mom and Octavia always tell me that she is the one. The one I will love until my final breath on this earth. I think they're right, I know they're right. Everything about Clarke just makes my insides twist, but in a good way.

Clarke scooped the last of the cooked pancakes onto the plate. She took them over to the table while I gathered the spreads. We knew everyone would be angry if they found out we only cooked pancakes for us. We were starving and we ate the whole lot in under 10 minutes. We quickly hid the evidence and made our way into the lounge room. Jasper and monty were still snuggled up to each other. Clarke and I made the most of our time together by sitting on the front porch. We sat there with coffee in our hands and discussed the graduation. "You looked really proud up there yesterday bell"

"Well I was more thankful than proud, to be honest"

"Thankful for what?" Clarke said with a smirk.

"Thankful for you. Clarke, if you didn't move here I would have been kept down another year. My younger sister would have finished school before me and all my friends would have graduated as well. I'm so thankful for you, Clarke"

Clarke gave me a smile. We heard a few thumps from inside. "I guess they're awake" I said with a sigh.

She put her hand on my knee as she pushed herself up. I followed after her with a groan, I didn't want to face the stories of last night...

We all sat on the lounges, Octavia, Jasper, monty, Wells, Clarke, Lincoln and I. I wasn't aware he spent the night, especially not in Octavias room...

We exchanged memories from last night, all giggly and embarrassed at the stories.
Apparently Clarke and I had a shot competition. There was a video of me and Clarke downing 6 shots each in under 10 seconds. Surprisingly Clarke won. Wells and Clarke had a dance battle, the others joined which soon turned into everyone being sick on the floor. I honestly don't ever want to drink again....


Sorry This chapter wasn't very eventful, but brace yourselves for the next few chapters as they are intense😊

Happy reading xoxo

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