Finding out.

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"Oh my god! He kissed you!?" Octavia screamed.

"Shhh keep it down, my mom will hear you!"

Octavia sat up in her spot and clapped her hands "what else?"

"I stopped him, I told him I was with Bellamy"

"Tell me more!"

"There's nothing more to tell, he got up and left."


"He did."

"Clarke, I bet he went to find Bellamy!" She said with a scared look on her face.

I immediately jump up, "he's going to get hurt if he does!"

"Clarke we need to find him, now!"

I grabbed my moms keys and Octavia and I headed out the door. We drove to Octavias house. I opened the door, "Bellamy! Are you here!?"

"You check upstairs, I'll look down here" Octavia added

I ran upstairs frantically opening all the doors, I opened Bellamys bedroom door and found him throwing a shirt over himself. "There you are" I sighed

"Why so serious princess, what's wrong?"

"Have you seen Finn?"

"Why did you blow him off?"

"Nows not the time to play games Bellamy! Have you seen him?"


Octavia walked in, "has he seen him?"

"No, now what the hell is going on here?" Bellamy demanded

"Finn kissed Clarke" Octavia blurted out

"Octavia?!" I gave her the evils, I didn't want her to tell Bellamy that.

Bellamy POV

My heart just dropped to my stomach, he kissed her?!?! I felt a bubbling sensation growing in my stomach, it was anger, and jealousy? Clarke is making me feel things, why is she so different to other girls? I stormed out of the room and headed out the front door, I wasn't thinking straight. I heard Clarke and Octavia calling my name and telling me to stop, I don't listen to them. I got into my truck and sped off, I saw Clarke follow behind me.

What was I doing? I wasn't sure. My head was filled with anger, hate, jealousy and frustration. She wasn't even my girlfriend and I was acting like this. 

I pulled up, I was on a hill. I had to calm down or I'd surely kill someone. I screamed at the top of my lungs for the whole world to hear. "Bellamy" I heard a voice plea from Behind me. It was Clarke. It was always Clarke.

"What do you want" I snapped "you kissed my enemy"

Clarke POV
"Bellamy, he kissed me" I didn't want to throw Finn under the bus, but that was the truth."and I told him to stop."

"Okay? Do you want a reward" he snapped again

"And I told him that you and I were together."

His eyes lit up, "really?" He asked.

"Yes Bellamy, I did. And I thought that he stormed off to come and find you, but I guess not."

"He still kissed you. I'm not okay with that."

"Bellamy, we aren't together, you can't lash out like that just because I kissed someone else."

"I know, I'm sorry."

I need you //Book one.Where stories live. Discover now