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2 weeks later..

Clarke POV

I have to go back to school today, I have almost been away for a month. I decided to return to my old school, I needed to be with my friends and Bellamy. Bellamy stayed home with me a few times during the weeks. He always took my mind off the hard things, he made jokes, took me shopping, took me out to lunch, which I didn't eat much of... When the alarm went off at 6:30am I smacked the top of it to shut it up. I didn't want to face the world, not today. The door swung open as I pulled the blankets over my head. "I thought you would refuse! Up!" Octavia said while jumping onto my bed. I pushed the blankets away from my head and looked at Octavia. I let out A sigh as I slugged out of bed. She pulled out some comfy clothes, she knew I wasn't feeling the fashion vibes today.

I did my makeup first. Putting on a bit of foundation and concealer, mascara and some blush. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, I didn't feel like wearing it down today. I pulled on my clothes and made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I stopped immediately, I ran back upstairs. I forgot to take my pill. Bellamy watched from the living room curiously. I threw a pill down my throat and Bellamy knocked on my door. "Can I come in?" He asked

"Uh yeah" I said as i threw the pill container back into the drawer. I sat on my bed as Bellamy entered. "Hey" he said quietly. I smiled in response. He came and sat down on the bed next to me. He put him hand on my leg. "Everything will be fine today Clarke, don't worry about it too much okay?" I nodded as I leaned in for a hug. His arms wrapped around me as my chin fit perfectly in the crook of his neck. It's like everything went in slow motion from that moment onward.

Octavia entered the room, "we are leaving in 10, get your stuff ready-" she saw us hugging and her words became silent as she exited the room without a sound. Bellamy smirked, "okay O!" He yelled.

Bellamy drove us to school, I was nervous and I don't know why. I just didn't want everyone to stare and whisper about the girl whose mom died. I got out of the car and raven was waiting at the front of the school for Octavia and I to arrive. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. As we walked into the school, I could feel Bellamys arm brushing against mine. There weren't many stares or whispers, but it was early, not even half the school was there yet. My first class was art, I hadn't really done much sketching since my mom died, it reminds me of her a lot. How she use to buy me sketching pads and drawing implements for my birthday. I hadn't given really much thought about going back to cheerleading. Octavia begged me to go back as I was an important part of the cheer squad.

In art I sat at the table closest to the window. The outside world always distracted me from what was going on inside.

At lunch I sat with the group, monty, jasper, raven, Finn, Bellamy, Octavia and there was a new guy, his name is wick. Raven and him have a thing going on, but I wasn't in a sticky beak mood so I didn't ask. The rest of the day seemed slower than the first half. I sat with Bellamy in science, he kept staring at me. He was trying to figure out what I was thinking. I missed so many important parts of information while I was away. I had to study a lot more than the other students, which I was completely fine with. I had to keep myself busy anyway.

The end of the school day was such a relief. I let out a big sigh as I exited the school. I did it, my first day back since my mom died. I felt a tear forming in my eyes as I walked towards the carpark. Bellamy was waiting by his car for me. There was no sign of Octavia. "Where's O?" I asked pushing down the tears.

"She's gone to visit Lincoln, he was sick today.."

"Hm" a tear fell from my eyes, I couldn't push them away. Bell held my face in his hands and used his thumb to wipe it away. "Hey, hey, hey" he said as I fell into a sob. He pulled me into a hug as I gasped for air. "It's so hard" I said with a cracking voice.

"I know, I know" he said as his hug became tighter. We stood there for a bit, hugging. He kissed my forehead and he opened the car door for me.. he knew how to make me feel better, his hugs were so comforting and meaningful I melted every time he wrapped his arms around me. It's like we were the only two people on earth.

That night was quiet, nothing really happened. I ate a bit of dinner and made my way to bed. I couldn't sleep, tossing and turning. I needed something, I needed Bellamy. I quietly exited my room and made my way to his. I opened the door ever so slightly letting a small amount of light from the bathroom appear on his face. I walked in and shut the door. I made my way over to the bed, I couldn't see much as the room was almost pitch black. I felt around on the bed until I felt a hand. I heard ruffling in the bed. The lamp turned on "Clarke?"

"Sorry bell, it's just... I can't sleep."

He moved over to the other side of the bed making room for me. I climbed in and he pulled the covers over me. I rested my head on his pillows, they smelled like him, like Bellamy. He was staring at me, "what?" I asked.


"It rude to stare at people like that-" before I could finish my sentence his lips met mine. The kiss was soft, like if he put even the slightest amount of pressure it would shatter me. "Sorry" he said as he pulled away "I've wanted to do that ever since you started staying with us.." I remained silent as he looked deep into my eyes. "Clarke, I love you. You know that right?" I let out a small smile as I cuddled into his warm chest. "I love you to" I replied quietly. He reached over and turned off the lamp. He put his arms around me and I slowly drifted into a deep sleep....

I need you //Book one.Where stories live. Discover now