Show and tell

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Octavia POV

2 weeks later...

I am going to get a DNA test for my unborn child today. My doctor told me that i had to wait until the baby was at least 10 weeks old. I am hoping that Lincoln is the father, we had talked about our future together before- this. Being with Murphy was just a mistake, a horrible mistake. I sometimes think 'what if this baby is Murphys? What will our future be like?' And i cant see any happy endings. I know that's horrible to think but it's the truth..


Both Lincoln and Murphy come with me to the hospital. First i have to have an ultrasound to make sure the baby is okay so we can continue with the test.

The doctor walks into the room and I immediately know who it is.

"Oh my god. I know who you are." I state to the doctor.

"You do?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, your Clarkes friend, -Roan is it?"

"You bet" he says while writing something on his clipboard.

"She's talked about you before."

He looked up from his clipboard "she has?"


"Anyway, so your here for a DNA test?" He says.

"Yeah, for my baby." I say looking down at my stomach.

"Okay well i'm just gonna start the ultrasound to make sure everything is okay, then we can proceed with the testing."

I nod in response and he starts the ultrasound. Lincoln and Murphy are sitting in the chairs by the bed watching the screen. Smiles appear on their faces when they see the baby.

Everything is okay so we continue with the testing.


"If you come back tomorrow we will have the results for you" Roan says.

I nod. "Thank you"

"No problem, tell Clarke i said hello."

I smile and slouch my way off the hospital bed. Lincoln and Murphy follow behind me.


Clarke POV

i had just gotten back from having lunch with my dad. Its the first time i had seen him since he has been back. He's been hanging around for two weeks, which is kinda weird as he lives in Australia...

Wells and Theloneious went back home a few days ago. Im not gonna lie there were tears at the departure. Wells is family, and whenever someone from my family leaves i take a good look at them just incase i never see them again. Which is kind of a sad thing, i cant say goodbye to someone without thinking that maybe I'll never see them again. Because thats what happens in my family, people leave.. all the time.

I run up the stairs into the guest bedroom and grab my towel. Yes i am still staying at Octavias house, i hate living alone. And plus shes the one who offered, since their mom is almost never here they have no one to keep the house going. Which is where i step in.

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