Chapter 2

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A few days passed and finally it was time to leave for her first day of senior year at this school. As she got out of her moms car she could feel eyes on her. She was the new girl, everyone would watch and stare.

When she walked inside the building, she was surprised by how similar this school was to her old school. This school had obviously just been renovated, as you could smell the new paint.

She almost got lost, trying to make it to the office so that she could receive her timetable. When she finally made it there luckily there was no line up, so she could just quickly grab her time table and go to her first class.

"Hey," she said to the staff member. "My name is Clarke Griffin, I'm new. I'm just here to pick up my time table."

"Oh yes," the brunette said as shy started to type away at her computer. "Here you go, your first class is at H11. Feel free if you want to sign up to any of those activities just on that clip board over there."


Clarke walked over to the clipboard behind her. She had always had an interest in art, so she grabbed the after school art program sheet. Another program caught her eye. Cheerleading.

She had done gymnastics when she was little, but she was pretty sure that she could still do everything that she used to, so she grabbed the sheet. Trials were tomorrow at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Clarke folded both the papers and put them into her bag. There was no way that she was going to find her way around this place with no help, so she decided to grab a map.

H11 was all the way on the other side of the school, and her next class was right in front of her. She sighed as she weaved her way through people and hallways, she finally made it to H11 and the teacher wasn't there yet so she decided to study the map.

"You're the new girl?" A voice broke her concentration on the map, Clarke looked up to come face to face with a pair of big green eyes. "I'm Octavia," she said as she extended her hand.

"Clarke. Nice to meet you."

"Do you have Spanish now?" The brunette asked.

Clarke nodded. "Yeah, do you know where the teacher is?" She giggled. "I swear class started like five minutes ago."

"Yeah, it did. The teacher barely ever makes it to class, get used to it," Octavia said with a smile.

"So what do we do?"

"I dont know, roam the hallways. I could give you a tour of the school? If you'd like?"

Clarke smiled. "Yeah sure, that'd be great."

Clarke listened intently as Octavia babbled away telling Clarke all about the school, all the drama that occurred and how great friends they were going to be.

When the bell rang, indicating that they had their next class, Octavia walked Clarke to her art class.

"So I'll come get you after this lesson and we'll go to lunch together, yeah? I've gotta show you off to all my friends, they're gonna love you, bye," Octavia said and then she was gone, she disappeared into the sea of students and all Clarke could do was smile. She had actually made a friend in the first hour of being at a new school.

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