Chapter 6

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Bona's POV

I woke up to get ready for school. When I got to school, I went up to the rooftop. I looked out the city of Seoul. I was enjoying the view when I saw someone coming up next to me. It was Jungkook. 

"What are you doing up here?" Jungkook ask me. 

"I should ask you the same thing." I said back.

"I was going to meet up with Amber up here, but I saw you up here. That's why I'm here. What about you?" Jungkook ask. I stood there looking at Jungkook. 

'He only came up here to meet up with Amber?' I thought to myself.

"Bona?" Jungkook waved his hands in front of my face. I came back to reality. 

"Ne?" I ask. 

"I said why are you up here too." 

"Well, I just wanted to be alone." I said. 

"You always want to be alone." Jungkook said. 

"I'm just......." I got cut off by someone talking.

"Oppa, you needed to see me." It was Amber. 

"Ah, ne. Bona, can you leave me and Amber alone for a second?" I stood there looking at Jungkook. My eyes were becoming teary. I left before Jungkook could see me cry.

I can't tell Jungkook that I like him because I don't want to break out friendship. I went to class before class started. I went to my seat and saw Jin sitting by his seat. I ignored him and just sat in my desk. 

"Ya Bona, is something wrong? You are acting weird lately. Is something bothering you?" Jin ask.

I just ignored him. 

"Ya, didn't you hear me?" still I ignored him. I don't want to talk to anyone today. Good thing class started because I didn't want to talk to Jin.

Jungkook's POV

"Oppa, what did you need to talk about?" Amber ask me. I turned to Amber. 

"Amber, I know that we've known each other for a little while, but I want to ask you something." 

"What is it?" Amber ask me. 

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously.

Amber looked shocked 

"Oppa, are you serious right now?" Amber ask me. I nodded my head. 

"Ne. I would love to be your girlfriend." I smiled and hugged Amber. 

"We should go to class before we're late." Amber nodded. We walked back to our classes.

Amber and I were holding hands and when we got to our classes, girls were looking at us with disgusted faces. We ignored it and just went to go sit on our desk.

Bona's POV

**After School**

I walked home from school. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't care. Even if it was someone trying to kidnap me I wouldn't care. All of a sudden, someone grabbed my hand and turned me around. The person pulled me into a hug. My eyes widen when I recognize the colon. Jungkook.

I tried pulling out of his grasp, but he held me tightly. 

"Stop. I haven't held you for a while. I miss it when we use to hug each other." I closed my eyes and let the tears flow down my cheeks. We were staying like that for a little bit until someone came interrupted us.

Love Triangle (Jin and Jungkook FF) Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang