Chapter 15

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Bona's POV

Today is the day that I'm going to be going out with Jungkook and Amber. I texted Chanyeol to ask if he wanted to hang out.

B: Good morning Chanyeol oppa.

C: Morning!

B: Are you doing anything today?

C: Ne, I am. I have to go visit my uncle in Busan today.

B: Oh, okay. Have fun then.

C: Ne.

Too bad Chanyeol is busy today. I decided to text Jin and ask him.

B: Morning Jin! Are you doing anything today?

J: Morning Bona. I'm not doing anything today. Wae?

B: Oh, it's just that, Jungkook and Amber wanted to come and hang out with us.

J: Oh, I would love to go. When is it?

B: Just get ready, then come to my house. Jungkook will come pick us up here.

J: Arrasso. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

I put my phone away and got dressed for the weather. I went back downstairs to make myself breakfast. After eating and cleaning the dishes, Jin finally got here. I went to go open the door.

"Annyeong Jin. Come on in." Jin came in.

"When are they going to get here?" Jin ask me.

"Their probably almost here." I said. Minutes later, Jungkook and Amber pulled up my driveway. Jin and I went outside and got in his car.

"Annyeong Bona." Jungkook said.

"Annyeong Jungkook oppa." I said back.

"Hey, I thought Chanyeol was going to hang out with us." Jungkook ask.

"Yeah, but he said that he was busy, so I called Jin instead." I explained.

"Oh, arrasso." Jungkook drove out of the driveway. I wonder where we're going.

Jungkook's POV

We went downtown and went to the river. Amber and I sat on the bench to the left and Jin and Bona sat on the bench to the right. I had my arms around Amber's waist. I looked at Jin and Bona and Jin had his arms around her waist also. Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel like I'm so jealous?

"Amber, you want to go walking for a little bit?" I ask.

"Sure." I took Amber's hands and led her to Bona and Jin.

"Hey guys, we're gonna go walking for a little bit." I told them.

"Arrasso. We'll be here and wait for you guys." Bona said. I grabbed Amber by the waist and we started walking.

I stole kisses from Amber. I could sense Bona looking at me. If she can make me jealous, I'm going to make her jealous too.

Bona's POV

I saw Jungkook grab Amber by the waist and they started walking. Jungkook gave Amber kisses on the cheeks. Is he trying to make me jealous right now? It's totally on!

**20 minutes later**

Jin and I were still sitting on the benches talking. I saw Jungkook and Amber walking to us. I kissed Jin on the cheeks trying to make Jungkook jealous. I took quick glances at him and he was staring at us.

"Let's go guys." Jungkook said before grabbing Amber's hands. I got up and held onto Jin's hands.

"Ya, why did you kiss me just right now?" Jin ask me.

"Oh, because I wanted too. Remember we're a couple, so I can kiss you whenever right?" I ask.

"Ne." Jin and I got in the car. I moved closer to Jin and Jin had his arms over my neck. I looked in the rear mirror and saw Jungkook giving us looks.

I am totally winning this right now. When they got to my house, Jin and I got out.

"Gomawo for today Jungkook oppa." I said.

"Your welcome." Jungkook quickly closed the window after saying that. He drove out the driveway not evening looking at me.

"Let's go oppa." I said. Jin and I headed inside my house.

"Bona, does Jungkook like you?" Jin ask.

"I don't know. Probably not. He has Amber so he probably doesn't like me." I said.

"Oh. Hey, I have to go. I'll talk to you at school." Jin said.

"Arrasso." Jin grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him.

Me and Jin made eye contact. Jin started leaning closer to my face.

"O...oppa, what are you doing?" Jin kept coming closer to me. Next thing you know, he crashed his lips into mine.

Love Triangle (Jin and Jungkook FF) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now