Chapter 38

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Bona's POV

Day 3

Jungkook and I are visiting my omma today. We're in the hospital and we're going to her room right now. I opened the door and saw a lot of doctors inside. I ran up to them and saw that my omma wasn't breathing anymore.

"Miss, we are so sorry for your loss." the doctor said. I broke down crying. No, omma!

Jungkook came up to me and hugged me. I cried onto his chest.

"Oppa, she's gone." I said. Jungkook patted my back.

"Shh, don't cry." Jungkook said. I couldn't stop crying. Omma, why did you leave me? Jungkook helped me stand up. I went up to my omma and held her hands.

"Omma, why did you have to go? What am I going to do? You were everything I had left." I said. A doctor came in and gently moved me away.

"Miss, we're sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." the doctor said.

"Aniyo. She's my omma! I'm not leaving!" I yelled. Jungkook came up to me.

"Bona, let's go." Jungkook said.

"Ani!" I said trying to get out of Jungkook's grasp. Jungkook quickly dragged me out. We went inside the car and Jungkook drove us all the way home. I went inside and saw Chanyeol sitting by the stairs.

"Oppa...." I said running up to him. Chanyeol came and hugged me.

"Oppa, omma passed away. What are we going to do?" I ask.

"Bona, please don't cry. Stay strong. Omma is in a better place now. She'll always be watching over us." Chanyeol said patting my back. I can't do this anymore. I'm going after my omma. I got up and went into the kitchen. I opened a drawer and took out a knife.

"Bona, what are you doing?" Jungkook ask.

"I can't live anymore! I'm going after my omma." I said. I pointed the knife to my stomach. Jungkook came and stopped me from doing it.

"Oppa, let me go!" I yelled while crying.

"Bona, stop! Please don't do this!" Jungkook said. I dropped the knife and held onto Jungkook.

"Oppa, I can't live my life like this. I miss my omma too much." I said. Chanyeol came and held onto me too.

"Sis, please don't kill yourself. You still have me and appa." Chanyeol said. I let all my tears out. We then heard a knock at the door. Chanyeol went to go open it.

Amber came in with Jin. I stared at Jin. Jin came up to me and held me.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Please don't cry." Jin said. I looked up at Jin and I saw that he wasn't even crying. I pushed him away from me.

"Leave me alone. How can you not cry when I lost my omma." I said calmly.

"Bona, my love for you will never leave me. I'll always try my best to come for you." Jin said.

Jungkook got up and punched Jin on the face.

Jungkook's POV

I got up and punched Jin on the face. I grabbed Jin's collar shirt.

"How long are you going to keep this up? Don't you see that Bona is hurt because of her omma." I said angrily. Jin smiled.

"Ne, I see that. But what I'm trying to say is that, I'll come back and get Bona to myself. Even if your both married." Jin said. I punched Jin on the face again.

Amber came and pushed me away.

"Stop hitting Jin!" Amber yelled.

"Amber, why are you protecting him?" I ask.

"Because I love him." my eyes widen.

"So, you never loved me?" Chanyeol ask. Amber shook her head. Chanyeol came and slapped Amber on the face.

"You slut! I never loved you too!" Chanyeol yelled.

I saw Chanyeol run upstairs. Amber helped Jin up.

"You will regret this Jungkook." Jin said. They both left the house. I went back to Bona and helped her up.

"Bona, please stop crying. Let's just forget about Mrs.Park. She's gone now." I said. Bona nodded her head slowly.

Bona's POV

**Next morning**

I got a text from my uncle that lived in America. He told me that the funeral for my omma is today. I decided to get ready. I wore my black tank top with a cardigan. I wore black leggings and my black flats. I out my hair up in a pony tail. I headed downstairs and saw Jungkook.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook ask me.

"I'm going to my omma's funeral." I said.

"Wait, I want to go too." Jungkook said.

"I'm going first. You can come when your ready." I headed out the door and went into my car. I drove all the way to the funeral. When I got there, there were a lot of people. I saw my uncle and went up to him.

"Annyeong uncle!" I greeted him.

"Oh Bona, long time no see." my uncle said. I laughed.

"Ne. Thank you for telling me about my omma's funeral." I thanked him.

"Your welcome. She's your omma and I know how much she means to you." I started tearing up again. My uncle came and hugged me.

"Shh, it's okay Bona. I know how much it hurts, but just let it go." my uncle said.

I saw a guy up on stage. It was my appa.

"Annyeong everyone! Thanks for coming for my wife's funeral. Before this funeral ends, I just want to say a huge thank you for my wife. We didn't even get to spend our life's together and now your gone. I love you. Rest in peace." my appa said.

I went up on stage and hugged my appa.

"Appa..." I said. My appa hugged me back. This is one of the saddest days of my life. I looked at the crowd and saw Jungkook standing there looking at me.

"Appa, can I say something about omma?" I ask. My appa nodded his head.

I let go of my appa and he went down and joined the crowd. I sighed then spoke.

"My omma was my everything. She was like, my best friend. Back when I was still in school, she would always want to be my friend because I never had friends. She gave birth to me and I have grown to be a strong women. My omma use to tell me that if I ever need someone to talk to, she'll always be there for me. Now, she's gone. I won't have anyone to talk to when I have problems. I love you omma. Rest in peace." I said.

Chanyeol came up to me and hugged me.

"Oppa, do you want to say something to omma?" I ask. Chanyeol nodded his head. I let go of Chanyeol and moved to the side.

"Annyeong everyone! I am Park Chanyeol. Bona's omma married my appa. I never got to spend time with my omma. I just wish that she wasn't gone, so I could spend time with her. I never said that I loved her once and now I won't get that chance. Even though I didn't get to spend time with her, it makes me think that I actually have a real omma. My real omma died also because of cancer and when I see my step mom like this, I just think about my real omma. My step mom treats me like her real son. I really miss her. Rest in peace omma. I love you." Chanyeol said.

Chanyeol came up to me and hugged me again.

"Stay strong Bona." Chanyeol told me. I nodded my head. It was time to bury my omma. They went to the closet cemetery that they can find. They started digging a hole so it fits my omma's coffin. They put the coffin in the hole. I looked at my omma's face one last time before they closed it.

They put the left over dirt over her coffin. After that, they put a gravestone by where they buried her coffin. Her picture was on there and I couldn't stop staring at it. Bye omma! Your in a better place now. Please watch over me. I love you!



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