Ch. 3

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   Just as I finish putting all my necessities into my purse, I hear the familiar ding come from my phone.

I quickly slip on my flats and head into my room to get it.

From: Favorite;
We're outside loser

I reply with a quick ok and start making my way out the door.

"Bye ma!" I yell quickly so I have to avoid the speech she might give me about being out too late.

"Me mandas mensaje cuando van llegando!" She yells back at me before I lock the door behind me.
I speed walk until I reach the apartment's stairs, skipping a few steps to reach the front of the building quicker.

My eyes quickly land on their familiar black Range Rover, Jess's head sticking out the window.

"Werk. It. Karina! Owwww!" Jess yells out the window and I laugh, flipping my hair as I walk towards the opposite side of the car.

One of their body guards step out of the passenger side of the door and opens my door before I have the chance to. 

"Oh, thank you so much!" I smile at him and he nods, a quick smile appearing on his lips before he regains control of his expressionless face.Upon hoping into the car, a familiar embrace pulls me into a tight hug. I immediately hug back.

"Jason! Oh my god you're back! It's been so long I've missed you!" I say excitedly as we hug moving from side to side, the door I entered from now being shut slowly.

"Wait a minute, no." I pull back angrily, taking a seat next to Jess in the back. He gives me a confused look as he turns around to face me.

"You never called me once. Not even a text or a snap." I cross my arms and glare a fake mad expression.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry Kar, it's hard running a business in the buttfuck of Canada, but I promise I wasn't talking to anybody but my dad; if that helps. Plus, I got a new Snapchat. I'll add you." He says pulling out his ginormous phone, typing in my username.

"What's a Snapchat?" Justin asks, shoving his phone towards his son.

"Dad we've been over this. You already have this app, you just never go on." He opens up the app and gives him back his phone.

Mr. Bieber has a Snapchat? And I didn't know?? I should add myself.

"Oh, the second camera? What's so great about it?"

"Here Mr. Bieber, I can show you how it works." I grab his phone slightly brushing my fingers over his, acting like the contact of skin doesn't affect me at all; I lean forward so he can see everything I'm about to show him.

"Basically if you pull down like this, you can see people who've added you and add the people you want." I show him where and demonstrate by adding myself. I'm smooth like that.

"See? Now we're friends on snap. You can also control your privacy settings so you don't get random pictures from random people." I fix the setting for him.

"Oh yeah I need that, I've seen what people are capable of." He nods, adjusting himself so he can see the screen clearer. Sometimes I forget how famous they are in the real world.

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