Ch. 39

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The week dragged on surprisingly slow. I watch the people walk by Justin's office and occasionally look at their reflection. I think they forget that this is two-way glass. The calls for Justin are consistent, all somewhat normal questions despite his side business. He immediately grabs his phone to answer those calls, I just smile and resume adding up the costs of his party whenever he takes his phone back. I try to pretend like I'm not listening, but I'm so nosey! So far, I know that his business is doing good, and they're laying low. I lean back in my chair, watching Justin input numbers into a spreadsheet. I sigh, leaning my head against him. I'm not looking forward to going home today, every little creek I hear sets me into panic mode. I sleep with my bat in bed and make sure to lock every lock on the front door, including the new ones Justin set up. He even assigned one of his "guys" to live next door and make sure nothing happens to me. I feel better sleeping knowing he's right next door, I haven't met him yet but I'm sure to meet him at the party. I just can't wait till the week is up. Other than what I pick up on, he doesn't talk to me much about it.

Wait, today is Friday. Ah fuck it, mama needs some dick. Why should I deny myself something that makes me happy? Haha, that's toxic thinking but fuck it.
Today's Friday! Justin's party is tonight. And the week is up... well, the workweek. I'm sure there won't be any complaints from Justin. Though he has only stroked my legs a couple of times this week. I'm proud of him for getting this far without trying to kiss me. But I miss it, I don't know how celibate girls do it, no way I'm not making a dick appointment today.
I grab my phone and search his name up on twitter, he's no longer on the trending page. His stans are somewhat quiet, nobody important wondering who he kissed in new york. I google his name just to be safe, the only news is him driving his ugly car. Okay, so all eyes are off of me.

I take a sigh of relief and take a look into the office that surrounds Justin's, it's 12. Everybody is focussed on their work, and around this time is when most calls come through, so it makes sense that Aaron isn't staring over here and is writing something down with the phone to his ear. I turn to look over at Justin again, his eyebrows are furrowed in concentration. His little wrinkles pop up, I lean over to kiss them, Justin's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, he just smiles and continues to enter numbers.
Once we're out of here, I need to head straight home and get ready for the party. I need to get someone to buy food and drinks as well as help the additional security Justin hired. And find time to steal Justin away without anyone noticing.

Or maybe I can get that done first and get the rest of the night over with. Jason is helping with the new building Justin bought on Monday, so he'll be home late. I'm sure Sam and Rigo are going to be the ones to buy drinks because I still can't. Jess is out of town on a modeling gig by the beach, but she'll be home early enough to party with me. Love when my best friend is an IG baddie. So that leaves no time for Justin and I to mess around after 3 pm. This is bullshit. I literally have to schedule a dick appointment.

I look over at him again and start to reminisce about all the small things. I miss the way he smells when he's holding me. I miss his hands teasing me on the way home from work, and fuck I even miss tracing the tattoos across his body. I roll my chair just a bit closer to him and try and get a whiff of his cologne.

"Hey, Jay?" I ask, cutting through his concentration, "Hmm?" He doesn't pause his typing. His rings make his sausage fingers look better. I love it when he wears rings, it makes me feel some type of way. I should just ask to leave early.

"Do you want to leave?" I ask bluntly, not giving him my reasons but gently fixing the collar on his shirt. Ugh, I even miss the way his chains dangle. And sometimes, I miss his stinky coffee breath. Not all the time though, that's why I carry gum.

"What? No. We still have two hours on the clock, I have to get this done because I know I won't do it tomorrow." He says, refocusing his attention onto the screen before him. I let my fingers linger on his collar for a second, thinking about working this mouf cus I know he can't resist it.
"Okay.." I rub his shoulder, subtly dragging my fingers past his chest as he does to me sometimes. He looks at my hand confused, smiles awkwardly, but shakes his head and refocuses. I give him a few minutes to process my attempt at flirting, but he's sliding back into work mode. Dang it, I'm going to have to pull out the obvious moves. I can guarantee myself that we'll be out an hour early, maybe earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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