Ch. 22

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After about 20 more minutes, a couple of people make their way out the elevator. I instantly sit up and look over to Justin's office for support, but all I see is my ugly reflection. Why is this man obsessed with chrome?
Oh god, what do I do? Should I introduce myself now or wait till they come up to me? What if they don't even notice me? Why am I so nervous?

One very tall man is talking about his wild weekend to a shorter man, his friend telling him to pause as they see me. I smile to make me seem approachable.

"Well, hello there. The name's Joseph." The taller man walks up to my desk, resting his elbow on the surface as he leaning against it. His friend follows after him.

"Hi." I giggle at how low his voice is. I wonder how low it can go.

"Are you our new receptionist?" The smaller man asks as he opens up one of the jolly ranchers from my candy bowl.

"Yes, I'm just starting today. My name is Karina." I extend my hand towards him as he smacks on the candy.

"Tom. Nice to meet you." He nods, firmly shaking my hand.

"And I'm Joseph, it'll be nice working with you Karina." He repeats his name, immediately grabbing my hand, shaking it slowly. I chuckle, telling him ditto. I pull away before he tries to kiss it.

"Sorry, excuse him. He's very.. gross. Anyways, I think the last receptionist had a list of our extensions for our phones in that right drawer. It'll make your life so much easier." He nods, taking his ogling friend with him as they start walking towards their desk.

"Thank you!" I tell him as I pull it out, setting it next the phone. It hasn't rang yet but i'm sure it will soon.

I hear the elevators ding again and I look up to see an older woman, a sweet smile on her face.
She immediately picks up her pace towards my desk.

"Oh my goodness! Are you our new receptionist? You are as cute as a button! My name is Marry, what's your name sweetheart?" She walks up excitedly to the desk. I respond with the same energy, she's so cute!

"Hi Marry, I'm Karina. It's nice to meet you." I shake her hand excitedly.

"Such a pretty name for a nice young girl! What a nice change, out last receptionist was a bitch. Anyways, it was nice meeting you, i'm sure we'll see a lot of each other." She waves me off as she walks to her desk with a small smile. Oh, I think I love her.

I feel my cheeks heat up at all the compliments she just fed me, looking up to see another woman behind her as well as an elder man. She doesn't bother to look up from her phone to introduce herself, instead she walks strait over to her desk right next to mine. I don't think anything of it, my feelings are intact.

The elder man looks like he'd rather be anywhere else right now but still manages to make his way towards the candy bowl on my desk.

"Hello. What's your name?" This man asks, not sounding interested in my name.

"Karina." I say short and sweetly so that I don't get off on the wrong hand.

"I don't like small talk so i'll make this easy for you. My name is Steve and i'm extension 7. Nice to have you on board." He nods and walks off, I thank him but he's already across the room. Hmm, he reminds me of Stanley from the office. Oh, i'm literately Pam right now. Does that make Justin my Jim? Or is it Joey? Gross.

The sound of the phone in front of me interrupts my stupid thoughts, I pick up after 2 rings. Wait, what am I supposed to say? Ugh! I hate Justin for being a horny fuck and not teaching me what I was supposed to learn. None the less I pick up the phone.

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