Ch. 10

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  When we all settle in, Justin starts the conversation by saying how grateful he was to see Jason, even if was only for about two days. Everyone clinks their glasses and salute to the speech he gave before breaking into conversation with others.

Justin starts a conversation with Rigo who's right next to him. Jess chats up with Chaz and Alfredo about good old days, and Sam quietly speaking with Jason. Leaving me alone with nobody to talk with. So I just sit quietly, observing everyone's conversations. Yet, I always find myself looking away from Mr. Bieber, not sure how my gaze always ends up there.

Before I can pitch into Jess's conversation about how California is so hot compared to Canada, the squeaky wheel of a cart is heard. A man with an apron tied around his waist wheels out those cliche domes that cover up the food. Him and a couple of other men reveal our dinner before leaving us with an arrangement of things i've never tried before.

I pick up my fork but put it back down when I realize everyone is holding hands. I forget the Biebers pray before every meal. I turn towards Alfredo, a big smile on his face as he holds his hand out patiently. I smile a fake smile when I realize how clammy they are. Why is he so sweaty!?
But none the less my smile shifts into a true one when I feel Mr. Bieber reach across the table to grasp my hand. Oh, now I get why Alfredo's hand is so sweaty.

"God, I want to thank you for letting me have this opportunity of clearness so that I could realize what the right decisions in my life should be. -" I see everyone around the table has their heads down, their eyes closed as well. Everyone except Mr. Bieber who's eyes are locked on mine. He lifts the right side of his mouth to display that little smirk of his.

-"I want to thank you for allowing me to see my family, even if it was only for a day or two. And I want to thank you for this amazing food. Amen." Jason finishes off.

"Amen." We all recite afterwards. Justin and Alfredo letting my hands go slowly. I quickly take back my hands because the slow drag of both of their hands made me feel like I was in some weird love triangle

"Let's dig in!" I announce to cut through the silence, picking up my fork once more.

I look around the table again, grabbing a little bit of everything. I might not know what half of these meals are, but I'm always open to new opportunities to try fancy stuff.

When my plate is full, I sit down and push my chair in. I prepare myself to chow down, everyone follows my lead. The only thing I really recognize is a giant piece of shrimp. Show I place that on my fork along with the pasta that accompanied it.

As I swallow my first bite, the dumbest idea pops into my head.
I twirl my fork into the pasta watching Mr. Bieber softly chat with Rigo about Jason's recent party.

I slowly raise my foot up, gradually inching closer to Justin. When I feel the material of his suit against my ankle, I slowly rub up the side of his leg. I bring up some pasta into my mouth, watching his focus leave the conversation he's having. He turns to me, inconspicuously shaking his head no, his eyes telling me to stop. He turns back to Rigo, his foot pushing mine back under the table.

What the heck? Is he not into me anymore? Was he actually drunk when we spoke?

I sit further back into my seat, feeling confused and angry at myself. I just played myself.

Well.. If he doesn't want to flirt with me, I know Alfredo wouldn't mind.\

I shake off my rejection and take a bite of some sort of steak? I don't know, but it taste good. I swallow and turn towards Alfredo, Placing my hand on his shoulder.

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