The Shoey Diaries

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Author's Note: So, This is my first fanfiction! :') I decided to do Shoey because I just adore Shane and Joey and I'm a hardcore Shoey shipper. c; It isn't anything special compared to some other ones that I've read. I have many, many favorites and they're what inspired me to write my own. So, I don't really expect this fanfic to get popular; I just hope a few people read it and like it. Thanks so much for taking the time to read! Btw; sorry for the abrupt beginning ;/ Anyway, without further ado... 


Chapter One - Speechless 

* Shane's POV *

I pulled away. This was wrong., this was right. I was kissing girlfriend. This was right. Then why did it feel so wrong?

I suddenly thought about the "Dare the Dawson" kiss with Joey..that felt more right than this. Stop Shane! What are you thinking? 

Lisa: Uh..Shane? You okay? You seem to be in LaLa Land..

Shane: I...I'm okay.

I nodded then shrugged slightly. 

Lisa: Did my kiss gross you out that much? 

Actually, yes! She laughed and I joined in. You could tell my laugh was fake. I sighed almost inaudibly and she leapt up from the couch.

Lisa: Haha, Shane. You are too cute. I'll be right back..

I rolled my eyes as soon as she turned her back. I didn't want this...I didn't want her. I pulled out my phone as soon as I heard the bathroom door close. I dialed Joey and held my eyes closed tight. This was ending now.

* Joey's POV * 

Joey: May the odds be ever in your favor..Gooodbye!

I ended my vlog, shutting off my camera. I was coming back from lunch with Sawyer. But..something was off. Sawyer seemed...weird. Really weird. I shrugged it off, though, as my phone rang. I answered and said in my grandfather voice, "Hello, hello, hello!" 

Shane: Joey? 

Shane sounded tormented..was he okay? I swear to god if someone did something to Shane! Wait. Why was I being so protective of Shane all of a sudden? What is it with me?  First Sawyer and now me? Odd..

Joey: Yeah? 

Shane: Can you come over...please? 

His voice cracked. I would do anything for him now. And as cheesy as it sounds...I was in the neighborhood. 

Joey: Yeah, of course. I'm actually pulling into your driveway now. 

He hung up abruptly. 

* Shane's POV * 

I heard the toilet flush. I hung up quickly and stashed my phone back in my pocket. 

Lisa: Is that a car door? 

Shane: Yeah,'s Joey.

I could tell she was upset. Did she know? She couldn't. I was so careful. 

Lisa: Why? 

Shane: We all need to talk. 

I shrugged nonchalantly as I heard a knock at the door. 

Lisa's face hardened. 

Shane: Come in! 

Joey cautiously walked in. As soon as he saw me he slumped with relief. Did he think something happened? 

Joey: Hey, Shane..Lisa. What do you guys need?

Lisa: No idea..but I bet we're about to find out. 

Shane: Can you please both sit down? 

They nodded and I stood up to give them room on the couch. I stood in front of the TV, facing them; Except I was looking at the floor. 

Shane: Lisa...I love you.. 

I glanced up and she smiled slightly. 

Shane: But..I love Joey in a different way. Lis, I'm in love with Joseph Michael Graceffa and I can't put either of us through this any longer. 

I used Joey's full name because I knew it'd get both of their attentions plus..It just sounded hot..Joseph Michael Graceffa. It just rolls off the tongue. What am I, crazy? Shane, focus. 

Shaking thoughts of Joey from my head, I looked up at Lisa. I didn't have the courage to look at Joey yet. 

Lisa: Oh..

Was all she said for a minute. 

Then her face started getting red. She was angry..

Lisa: Oh! I loved you through everything! Do you not care?! Don't answer that.

She huffed up like a blowfish and stood up swiftly. 

Lisa: I knew you were gay, Shane! But did I ever once question your love for me? No, I did not. And this is how I get repayed? Are you joking? You are joking, right? Are we being punk'd? 

She looked at Joey. I looked back down at the ground. I didn't know what to say. 

* Joey's POV * 

I didn't know what to say. This was the greatest moment in my life. Shane Lee Yaw was in love with I, Joseph Michael Graceffa? It hardly seemed likely. I was about ready to jump up and run into Shane's arms when Lisa exploded. 

Joey: Lisa? 

I said gently when she glanced down at me. I saw something in that minute that changed my life forever. Lisa started to cry. I actually felt bad for loving Shane. 

Lisa: Do you love him?

She whispered. I nodded meekly.

Lisa: Say it...I want to hear it. 

Shane: Lis--

Lisa: No. I want to hear it. 

Joey: I...

Shane was still looking at the floor. He had no idea that I nodded my head.

Joey: Lisa, I'm sorry. I'm in love with Shane.

Shane looked up and our eyes met. Lisa looked back to Shane, interrupting our moment. 

Lisa: Shane...I'm just gonna go..and stay with my mom for a couple of days. Will you clean out all of your stuff if this is really the way you want it? 

Shane nodded, and Lisa started walking out of the living room. Pretty soon we heard the front door shut. I looked back to Shane. I felt good and bad at the same time. I didn't know what to say. But I did know what I wanted to do...


ps; this isn't the ending xD I'm just going to see if I can work with this story and If I can I'll continue it. 


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