Chapter 4 - You have a gift.

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Chapter 4 - You have a gift.

* Shane's POV *

Joey emitted a nervous laugh before he spoke, his voice clouded with worry, "Shane, have you read the whole thing?" I shook my head meekly. For a second, I was afraid he hadn't seen the slight tic of my head but then he spoke again, "Read the whole thing." This time his voice sounded blank, but I knew his thoughts were racing by the way he was compulsively running his hands through his hair. He sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving me, as I flipped to the beginning of the book. I started reading, though I already knew everything that was to happen. But... If he wanted me to read the whole thing.. Something must be different. I read the whole thing, in only ten minutes. But I didn't catch a difference. "Yeah.. I already knew all this stuff... Except the end.... and, uh.. your virginity loss." I said, not looking up from the pages. "No," Joey barked out, and I knew he had rolled his eyes. He crouched beside me, gingerly reaching out to flip a couple of pages back. He read down a couple paragraphs then pointed to where he wanted me to read. 

"Is he going to die?" I kept cutting the doctor off, probably pissing him off to no end. "It's hard to tell...He lost a lot of blood and he seems to be in a coma. It's all a matter of how long it takes him to wake up." Doctor Rial said. 

There. Doctor Rial. Warning bells rang in my head but I had no idea who Doctor Rial was. Wait... this was the difference! I had Doctor Morton, not Doctor Rial! Doctor Rial was the reason I had died! I felt like an idiot. I could even see my inner self hitting his hand to his forehead, muttering, "Duh, Shane!" "So... Since I didn't have Doctor Rial when we first went to the hospital.... I'm not going to die?" I asked, looking up front the pages to meet Joey's emerald hues. Joey nodded, pulling his lower lip into his mouth. I had a feeling the next question I was going to ask was the question he was aching to avoid. I had to ask, though. It was killing me not to. "How?" 

Joey swept up his brows, as if he had misunderstood my question. But we both knew he knew what I meant. "How did you write the beginning of our story... Before it happened?" I repeated, my mind struggling to comprehend. It was like when somebody asks a question, and you know the answer, but it's just left your brain. And you're struggling to find the answer, because you know you know it, but it isn't there. Almost like it was hiding from you. That's how this felt... Like I knew the answer but it was giving everything it had not to be known. "I-I don't know." Joey stuttered, looking at his lap. "In between hanging out with people, filming videos, eating meals, or whatever it was I happened to be doing that day, I'd pull out this"--He stopped to pat the cover of the book--"and just write. I didn't want the stories to be written about something stupid... So I wrote about you. It was like... creating a world where I had everything I'd ever wanted. I wrote to escape my real life, so I could have you. And... and that came out of it. I never really meant for you to die when I started writing the story. But that's just how it ended... Once something's over, You can't change the way it ended. And there's no reason to mourn over something that's lost, and something that you can't change." He lifted his head to look at me. Our eyes met and I knew the next thing he said would affect me deeply.

"I was so afraid you were going to die." His voice cracked on the word die, and I knew he was struggling not to cry in front of me. "But I didn't..." I said, pushing the diary off of my lap. I pushed myself onto my knees, wrapping my arms around Joey's shoulders. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and I smiled slightly. "I know." He said, planting a soft kiss on my neck. I still felt awful. This was a lot of information to digest. But there was still one thing I had to know... If Joey knew all of this, Why hadn't he told me? We could've prevented any of this from happening and we could've been happier. And I knew I was putting him through hell with all these questions but I'd be in hell without the answers. "Why didn't you tell me before?" He sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I couldn't." I felt myself shaking my head. "What? Why?" 

"I don't know. I tried... But there was something keeping me from telling you. Like a block. And every time I'd try to come out with it, it was like someone cut off my vocal cords. But when the tables turned, and we got Doctor Morton instead of Rial, I told you in the hospital when you were loopy on morphine. You didn't understand, but you made some joke about how I didn't make you Miley Cyrus or Amanda Bynes.. It was funny, and it made me feel better about the situation. I'm glad you didn't remember... Or you would've questioned me right away." He said in a slight rush, and I finally understood. This wasn't something bad, and it didn't mean he was crazy. It made me cherish Joey more. "Joey... You have a gift." 


Crappy ending, I know. ^.^ But people in the comments seemed to think Shane was going to die... I guess they didn't completely understand why Joey was so relieved in the hospital, three chapters back.. xD Anyway, since people didn't seem to understand I decided to revolve this chapter around Shane finding out and understanding. The next chapter will be discovering if Joey really has a "gift" and testing it. So.. Yeah #MiniSpoiler 

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, gooodbye! cx 


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