Chapter 7 - You're an asshole drunk.

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Chapter 7 - You're an asshole drunk.

* Shane's POV *

"No, Joey. You won't die trying. I won't let that happen." I said, eerily calm especially considering my raging emotions. "Shut up." Joey groaned, annoyance painted across his features. Something was up... Even if Joey was mad at me, He wouldn't hate me. And Joey wasn't a bad person.. He wouldn't say such hateful things to anyone.. Especially not me!

"Sawyer, did you get him drunk?!" I exploded as realization dawned. I whirled around, focusing my steely gaze on Sawyer. I wasn't mad at him, but Why the hell would they let me walk in to this?! I thought all four of us were a team, It's like they've picked sides. I mean, I could always tell out of all of our friends, Joey was the favorite. I just thought we all had each other's backs. "Well... Tyler and I wanted to do a drunk challenge.. Joey wanted alcohol... Who am I to refuse, Am I right?" Sawyer asked, lifting up his eyebrow slightly. I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood. I was mad.. But I wasn't going to take it out on him. I sighed, grumbling under my breath, as I turned back to Joey. "Come on, Joey.. We can tuck you in to bed and we'll talk about this in the morning." I said, trying to keep my voice soft. I didn't want him to think I was mad at him.

Joey shut his laptop, and I thought it was to follow me upstairs, but all he did was shrug. "You aren't the boss of me." He said, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. I hated what alcohol did to him. I'd only seen him drunk one other time, But he was super bipolar when under the influence of alcohol. And his moods were based off of what was happening in his life at the current moment. "Joey, please?" I whined, crossing my arms. The sun was setting, and the shift of the sun behind the clouds made the room darker; a shadow falling across Joey's face. "Fine. But only so you'll fuck off." He said, voice bitter and filled with attitude. I rolled my eyes as Joey pushed himself off the couch, following me up the stairs. I was trying not to jump up and down and cry out for joy. Joey didn't hate me! He was just drunk! Even if he was angry at me for Starbucks, we could talk about it tomorrow. We could work it out. Joey didn't actually want to avoid me forever... it was just the alcohol talking.

Joey yawned as soon as we entered our room and I couldn't help the smirk that spread across my face. "Tired?" I asked, my tone teasing, as my eyes met those of a sobering Joey. "Sleeping on a couch..SUCKS." He said, not wasting any time to collapse in bed. "I missed this." He said, snuggling into the duvet. I laughed softly, perching beside him, "I missed you." I said honestly, as a smile spread across Joey's face. He pat the spot next to him, telling me he wanted me to lay down. I gladly obliged, allowing him to snake his arms around my waist and pull me closer. I knew he still wasn't completely sober yet, but that didn't matter. We weren't bitching or was just us.. together.. happy.

He planted a light kiss on my cheek, as I blew out a long, content sigh. "I love you." Joey said, cuddling into the crook of my neck. "I love you, too.." I said, then, "You know... You're an asshole drunk." As soon as I finished my statement, we broke out into a fit of laughter.

When our laughter died down, Joey whispered in a sleep-clouded voice, "What would I do without you?" I smiled, drifting to sleep to the soft sound of Joey's breathing.


I know how short this chapter is: Shut the hell up. I have a plan with all of my fan fictions for tonight, so don't say anything to me.;-; The next chapter will be longer and better. I just needed a cutesy chapter to get Shoey back on track.

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, goodbye! c;


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