Chapter 10 - Flashforward

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Chapter 10 - Flashforward

* Joey's POV *

One month after Shane proposed, we finally moved out of the goddang Shoey and Sawler Sorority. We loved Sawyer and Tyler, but we were gonna be married soon. We needed to be on our own. We moved into a nice apartment complex on the other side of L.A, the slightly bit nicer side. Our lives finally felt complete. There was no drama, no jealousy, no near-death experiences. Just us. But I think the Saturdays were my favorite times. Up until we were married, we spent every Saturday in our new apartment with Sawyer and Tyler, and sometimes Stacy. It was like we never even moved out, it didn't matter that the surroundings changed. We were all together, and we felt at home. I knew we all secretly missed each other too much to not see each other. It did sort of feel like a chunk of our very existences were ripped out from all of us when Shane and I moved out. I miss our Saturday nights.

Four months after Shane proposed, we got married. It was a small ceremony, our families were there, our friends were there. Lisa was even there. And as a joke, Shane wore a dress over his suit so when I walked down the aisle and saw Shane in a dress, I broke down. In the middle of aisle, I fell to the floor in a fit of incurable laughter. Soon, everyone else joined in. Shane said something snippy, I can't even remember now, in his Paris Hilton voice before ripping off the dress to reveal a tux matching mine. I composed myself and stood before meeting my future husband at the end of the aisle. There was plenty of tears, plenty of laughs, plenty of champagne--That I made Shane drink-- and plenty of cake--That Shane made me eat. It was the best night of my life. I'll never forget it.

We honeymooned in Anaheim just so I could take Shane to Disneyland. I remember writing in my "diary" about how when my fictional Shane got out of the hospital, I 'd take him somewhere. That somewhere was indeed Disneyland but selfish me killed him off before the trip. So I made up for it by taking him there for our honeymoon. My favorite part was when Shane started talking to the characters...He asked Mickey Mouse if he wanted to "join my husband and I in a manage a trois". I later found out a "manage a trois" was really ménage à trois and it was a french term for threesome. I can understand why Mickey turned the offer down. I can also understand why Minnie kept shooting Shane glares.

One year after being married, we moved out of our apartment and moved into a house in Burbank. Two stories, four bedrooms, three bathrooms. Too big for only the two of us. But I think when we picked it out, we had our future in mind. We both saw a family.

We both stuck with YouTube for another two years, but soon, we lost interest in it and it in us. I think we both still miss it, though. Sometimes we'll find ourselves walking around the house, pretending to talk to a camera. We've even started recording once or twice before we realized we didn't do that anymore. I think we miss the friends we made while doing YouTube, too. Without YouTube there really isn't a need to see those people, now is there? No more events, No more Vidcons. But we still talk to a lot of our old friends, Even if we've made new ones. I guess we both had to cope with the fact that YouTube is not forever.

Flashforward: 5 Years. After we quit YouTube, Shane and I got to follow our dreams. Shane's now a director, one of the best in Hollywood. He has so much fun while doing it, and I'm so lucky to be along for the ride. Oh, and me? I'm a part-time writer, part-time actor. I've written three books to hit the bestsellers list, and one that wasn't as successful. But I'm still incredibly lucky. And I'm currently lead-actor in a movie that Shane's producing! Its another teen comedy thriller. Their his best written, and directed movies.

We adopted a daughter nearly three months ago named Sophie. She's three years old, and even if we've only been her family for three months she already treats us as her parents. Even if she favors Shane. Even in looks, which is crazy. But she acts like him, follows him around, talks like him. Which I guess isn't a bad thing because he's almost stopped cussing completely. He adores her, we both do. We're hoping to extend our family soon. But let's not forget the other member to our family, Satsuki! I guess old habits die hard, but when I saw the teacup yorkie's face I had to have her. And I knew she looked just like a Satsuki. So for our four year anniversary, two weeks after I spotted Satsuki, Shane came home from work carrying the little pup in his arms. He really is the best husband.

And for us now? Well, We put Sophie to bed nearly an hour ago but I cant seem to drift off to sleep. Thoughts of my deadline were taunting me and keeping me from sleep. Shane has had to endure many of my insomniac periods that I think he's gotten used to them. He even stays up with me until I can sleep, like he is now. Satsuki is curled up at our feet, both of us snug in bed with my laptop settled on my lap.

I've got a deadline coming up for a book I haven't even started yet...which is what's keeping me up. But I think inspiration just hit. Trailing my hands over my keyboard, my mind races with ideas that my fingers fly to keep up with. Shane nuzzles his head into my shoulder, glancing at my computer screen; our bed creaking slightly in the abrupt shift of weight. "What's this one about?" He asks, planting a light kiss on my cheek. "Us." I said, a smile twitching at the corners of my lips. My eyes flick to Shane's before landing back on the screen. I loved him so much, There's nothing I'd rather do than to share our story. "What'll it be called?" He asked, delight clear in his voice. We both knew he didn't have to ask. He already knew. He knew because I'd started it almost six years ago, but never made it to the ending. But I'd say it anyway. In fact, I wanted to scream it. But it'd only result in our neighbors bitching, Sophie waking, and Satsuki barking. So I whispered it, for Shane and I's ears only, "The Shoey Diaries."


The end! :D I'm actually pretty proud of this ending so I hope you guys liked it. Feel free to let me know :)

And I just wanted to thank you guys for putting up with me and this story: the mistakes, short chapters, and crappy updating schedules. But people still seemed to like it regardless so I'm happy. I'm just glad anyone liked it at all. Oh, the nostalgia for the last times is real. This is the last time I'll get an idea for this fic, and this is the last time I'll update it. At least I still have my other two. Oh....and this is the last time I'll do this on this story:

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, Goodbye.. ;c


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