Chapter 24 - How is this even Possible?

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Chapter 24 - How is this even Possible? 

* Shane's POV *

"Shane!" Joey called, tapping my shoulder for the umpteenth time. He'd been trying to get me out of bed for the past half - hour. Something about Tyler and Sawyer being together and how we should go see them. Uh.. No thanks. Anything to do with Sawyer  and you can count me out. I'd had nightmares multiple times where he came back and finished me off only to find myself trembling in the dark. I could see it happening.. Like this was a trap, almost.

I'd been keeping my nightmares from Joey; He had it worse than I did. I couldn't complain. Oh, and to make matters worse, Last night I'd dreamt that Sawyer set me on fire and watched me flail around and writhe in immense amounts of pain until I eventually died. It all felt so real... My skin felt like it was peeling off in chunks of crispy, unrecognizable pieces. And after all that, I definitely hadn't gone back to sleep. So, I was extremely exhausted and it was hard not to shudder at mention of Sawyer's name. "Shane." Joey whined, poking my cheek. "Please get up.. I want to go visit Sawyer and Tyler." 

At the mention of VISITING Sawyer, My eyes shot open prior to me sitting up faster than I thought possible. "No! I don't want to go see the guy that the love of my love cheated on me with-- though briefly --prior to him trying to see how long he could hit me until I died! I don't want to go see him all happy and lovey-dovey with Tyler! He deserves to be in misery, Like you and I were for so long! Why does he get off the hook?! I'd rather spend the day going to visit Amanda Bynes in whatever hospital she happens to be at now. I don't even understand why you would want to go visit him. Do you realize you are on some god damn medication because of this asshole? We've been through hell and back yet he's fine." My tirade finally ended with a long sigh. Joey had an offended expression on his face but an understanding look in his eyes. "When I got up earlier... Tyler texted me asking if I could call him.... I did. Sawyer, Tyler, and I talked for about an hour.. Sawyer's different, Shane, please." Joey was begging me... to go see my potential murderer? This was a lot of shit. Who put him up to this?! Does he not see all the reasons why it isn't good to go visit Sawyer? 

"You can go visit Sawler. can stay here and eat Debby Cakes and Twinkies all day." I nodded, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I wasn't going to visit them. End of Story. I have nothing against Tyler but is he an idiot? Sawyer tried to kill me! Is everyone but me on drugs? Shoot, Maybe Amanda Bynes visited us instead of the other way around. "Shane! Give him a chance, He's different. He's like he was before. He's better than he was before!" I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Fat chance. Dude's psycho. We should call the cops. We should've called the cops. Get his ass up in there with Lindsay Lohan and all those crazy bitches." I groped for the remote under the pillows. To show Joey how unwilling I really was to go visit Sawyer, I'd put on my favorite show. Pretty Little Liars. 

 I finally found the remote, and switching on the TV, I pulled up Netflix. "Please come... For me?" I glanced at Joey. He was working the puppy dog face. I grabbed a pillow from under his leg to toss it at him. He gasped. "Stop it! Please, just come.." I ignored him and clicked on PLL. I surfed through episode descriptions; Trying to find Spoby sex. "No. I'm not going, no way, no how." Joey sighed; Sounding thoughtful. There was absolutely nothing he could do to make me go. Not even by offering his body. I'd just take him when I wanted or when I felt like it.

He leaned his head on my shoulder. "We're out of twinkies, Shane.. I'll buy you some more. Plus some ding dongs." I knew he'd buy me that.. But he'd force me to go to the gym. Sigh... Decisions, Decisions. "Go pick me out some clothes." His mouth turned up into a smile as he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Thank You, Thank You, Thank you!" He squealed, running off to the closet. I didn't see why it was so important to him if we visited them or not. Why'd he want to go see them? He could text them just fine. We could even video chat! What does Joey think we'll accomplish by making this trip? I sighed as he threw some clothes down on the bed. As I stood up to change, It hit me. He thought by facing Sawyer, He'd get over his anxiety and he would seem tougher. Ugh. I Sighed, mentally this time. Men.

- Driving to Tyler's house -

"I changed my mind, Turn around." I deadpanned, tapping my fingers on the dashboard. "You're just saying that because I already bought your food. We're going, The End." I stomped my foot. "Why?" I whined. I wanted Joey to admit why he wanted to visit so bad. What did he care about them? I was just worried.. What if he saw Sawyer and flipped out? I knew he didn't bring his medicine.... I didn't want anything bad to happen. 

Joey pulled into Tyler's driveway and hurriedly unbuckled his seatbelt. It was too cute. Even if he survived seeing Sawyer, No way was he getting off his meds. So, I really didn't see the point of all of this. I slowly unbuckled my seat and pushed my door open. I sat there for a minute. I really didn't feel like getting up; It wasn't because I didn't want to. I felt a sharp pain fingering from the center of my head to my temples. Is it... Is it even possible that I'm not healed completely? Doctor Rial said I was all clear... But he also said that head injuries and/or problems take awhile to show up. 

I blinked and stood up. Joey cast me a funny glance but I just shrugged. Joining him on the doorstep, he knocked. There it is again... That pain. How is this even Possible? 


You Guys don't even understand. I've rewritten this chapter THREE TIMES. At first, It was called "Cheater Once, Cheater Twice." <.< That should've given it away but if it didn't, Sawyer would kiss Joey again and Joey would kiss back again ._. But I didn't like it so I erased it and called it "V for Vindictive" (YEs from V for Vendetta, Don't judge me.) And I was gonna have Shane want revenge or whatever against Sawyer. But then I realize, SHANE DOESN'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT SAWYER. So, I erased it and out popped this ^.^ Yeah, my mood is odd right now... I wasn't screaming at you, btw.. Caps Lock just fits my mood. Idek. Whatever, I hope you guys liked this chapter :D

OMAWERedgvowhrQ WHAT IS Air IS ThiS ReAL LIfe?! 2k READS MY GOODNESS GRACIANIOUS I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 <3 <3 SENPAI, YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO SPECIAL :') Good Lord, Thanks so much for reading. I never saw 1k Reads on this story and now there's 2k?! Can I hug each 'a ya? :'3 Now I'm just being odd.. ;-; By ze way, I did not read over any of this, I sorta got lazy, so sorry if there's any mistakes ._. Let me know & I'll fix them. 

Anyway, Thanks SO much for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, gooodbye! cx 


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