Chapter 6 - You can't avoid me forever.

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Chapter 6 - You can't avoid me forever. 

* Shane's POV * 

Joey had been avoiding me since we left Starbucks. Two days ago. 

When my brain had got done processing what just happened and what was just said, I had raced after Joey. He was in the car, doing something on his phone, when I found him. He said nothing as I climbed in the passenger seat. The drive home was quiet, he still didn't say anything and I made no effort to talk, either. I didn't even dare to glance over at him. And when we got home, Joey went upstairs to our room, got his laptop and chargers, and set up camp in the living room. He hasn't said a word to anyone since. 

The night of the Starbucks incident, Sawyer came to talk to me. He said him and Tyler had been asking Joey for the past half-hour what happened to make him "move out" of our room but he was unresponsive to everything they said. Sawyer said Joey just shifted position on the couch every so often, continuing to scroll through Twitter, or whatever site he happened to be on. Then Sawyer asked me what was the matter. I sighed and stared down at my lap. I really didn't want to retell the story. Plus, I didn't think Joey would appreciate me spilling my guts about his "gift". He obviously didn't realize what amazing ability he obtained... I wished I hadn't been so demanding about it. 

"He... broke up with me." I said simply. "He's just too good of a guy to kick me out... He'd rather leave then make me." I felt Sawyer's arms around my shoulders in a heartbeat. I wanted to flinch because of Sawyer's past with me, but I stayed put. His comfort helped. "I'm sorry." He whispered as I felt something tickling my cheek. I swatted at it, only then realizing that I was crying. 

I hadn't left our room since that talk with Sawyer. Tyler brings me snacks, while pleading that I join him and Sawyer for dinner, or lunch, or whatever meal it happens to be. Joey acts like we aren't even there, either. He'll come up to our room to shower, but he won't say a word to me. He won't even look at me. I'm starting to think his silence is implying that he wants me out. Sawyer told me that Tyler and him kept doing all kinds of embarrassing things to Joey, yet he still ignored them through it all. They even tried kissing and loving on him, but to no avail, It was like Joey wasn't there. 

We can't continue living like this, but he won't even listen to Sawyer and Tyler... He definitely won't listen to me. I keep trying to tell myself that he's just heartbroken because I didn't try to fix what happened that day... But then reality reminds me that he started it. If he didn't mean it, He could've said so. I feel it's too late for either of us to fix things. I feel like Sawler will start telling us to move on any day now. But.. I can't move on... Even if Joey comes to his senses and realizes what a shit boyfriend I was and tells me to leave.. I still won't be able to move on. 

I sighed and continued to scroll through Twitter. I heard some giggles from downstairs and I suddenly wished the door was closed all the way. I definitely wasn't getting up to shut it, though, so I just prayed they'd keep it down. Their happiness was cutting into my moping. My heart squeezed at every laugh I heard. It killed me to know how happy Sawyer and Tyler were while Joey and I were in hell. It definitely sucked out loud. 

"SHANE!" Tyler then shouted, followed by a roar of laughter. "Tyler, shut the hell up! He said he doesn't want to talk to Shane!" I heard Sawyer, trying to be quiet. I rolled my eyes, clicking off my phone. What was going on? What was the big deal? 

I rolled off the bed, pulling our bedroom door open wider. I walked down the hall slowly, while being as quiet as I could, trying to listen to see if I could hear anything that'd give me an insight to what I was walking into. Just before I reached the stairs, I heard Joey's beautiful voice. The one I hadn't heard in over two days. Even if he was saying something harsh, he was speaking. And that's all that mattered. "You can just stay up there. I don't want to see you." I heard a gulp and I knew someone was trying to hold in laughter. This was going to be ugly. 

I finished the walk down the stairs despite Joey's attitude, my eyes swimming over the scene. Tyler in Sawyer's lap, and Joey's laptop in his. Both couples seemed so happy with each other. I tried not to roll my eyes. 

Joey lifted his eyes from his laptop screen, and gazed at me for a second. I didn't see hatred in his eyes... but I didn't see love either. I saw desperation. His eyes returned to his screen and I saw his throat bob. He was trying not to break down. My heart squeezed and ached to comfort him, but then I remembered how hateful he was being. I felt a stab of satisfaction that I wasn't the only one who had suffered. I didn't even care if that was mean, or selfish. Joey was basically blaming me for everything that happened, when I was only just curious. He had been hateful that entire day, while I was just merely interested. 

I then noticed Sawyer and Tyler looking from Joey to myself in synchronization. It killed me how alike they were and how perfect they were for each other. I yearn for the moments when Joey and I seemed like that. "Joey..." I said, my tone pleading. I slowly stepped closer, only stopping by the chair Sawyer and Tyler shared. He flipped his palm in the air, lifting his middle finger. I suddenly felt a flair of anger shoot through me. "Stop being cute." I uttered, Sawyer mumbling an 'Ooo'. I shot him a look and he stopped. Joey didn't say anything, or even look at me. Just lifted his middle-finger adorned hand higher. 

"You can't avoid me forever." I said, tilting my head to the side while sweeping up my eyebrows. That was when Joey looked at me, his eyes reflecting malice. Did he... Did he hate me? How could he hate me? What changed? Was my insistive questioning enough to make him despise me? "You're right," He spat, never breaking eye contact with me. "I can't avoid you forever. But I'll die trying." 


Don't hold that against me... ^^ 

So, guys, I know half of you don't read this... But for those of you who do, or are this time, Please just read my pleading rant for a second.. 

So, my bestfriend, CeCe was hacked by one of her "bestfriends". And her most popular story was deleted, causing her to lose most of her votes. I've helped her get most of the story back, but that doesn't change the fact that she lost her reads & votes. So, if you're reading this, I beg of you to check out her account - @IamTheAdorkable1 and Maybe check out her fanfictions.

The one that was deleted is called "He's Mine, He's Mine" and it is absolutely flawless. This chapter is dedicated to her, as you probably saw, and It would mean the world to her and I both if you'd check out her account and her story.. Because she didn't deserve to get hacked, no one does, and It'd help her immensely if you were to check out her fanfiction. Thank you. x 

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, gooodbye c; 


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