Chapter 22 - Closer Than Ever

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Chapter 22 - Closer Than Ever

* Joey's POV* 

I was sore. It felt like my hips and my back and my anus were on fire. But then I remembered why...        I couldn't be blushing before I ever woke up and at my own unconscious thoughts! 

I mean, this was a huge deal.. Losing your virginity, that is. I couldn't believe I was all over the place because of it... This sort of thing happened all the time, right? Not for me, though..

My eyes flickered open to meet Shane's pools of blue. He was smirking. "What?" I snapped defensively. His smirk widened. "You're blushing. What were you dreaming about?" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't dreaming about anything... Thinking about something, maybe.. 

I shrugged. "Oh.. nothing." I singsonged. It was Shane's turn to roll his eyes as he leaned closer and pecked my lips. "Sure.. Whatever. Good Morning, Gorgeous." I knew I was really blushing now but at least Shane knew the reason why. I smiled, "I love you."

"Good." He muttered then propped himself up on his elbow. "Shall we shower? I'm sure we're kinda...messy." His face got slightly pink. Good to know I wasn't the only one obsessing over last night. I nodded and he pushed himself off the bed. I couldn't help but notice how he didn't say he loved me, too..

I tried to follow suit and sit up but the sheets kept sticking to my back. Shane was in the bathroom; I could hear the water start to run. I needed him to help me; I had no idea why the sheets were sticking to me. It was very aggravating! "Shane! The sheets are obsessed with me!" I shouted with a groan, attempting to peel them off of me. "Joey?" Shane face-palmed with a husky laugh. I arched a brow; trying to keep my eyes from skimming down his naked body. "What?" I whined. He laughed again as he crossed his arms though attempting to compose himself. "What? Help me!" I knew I sounded like a baby but I didn't care. These freaking sheets were keeping me from showering with Shane damn Dawson and I didn't appreciate it. I also didn't appreciate Shane laughing at me! 

"Joey.. the sheets aren't "obsessed" with you. They're sticking to you because last night when you...when you released.... We didn't exactly bother to clean it up..?" Shane informed; his mouth twisting up like he was sucking on a lemon. He was trying his hardest not to laugh. "What?" I squeaked, swatting at the sheets. "Get it off!" Shane laughed again before walking around to my side of the bed. He pulled the sheet off and my back instantly felt cold.. And sticky. My nose wrinkled up in distaste. "Ew, Shane! It's gross! You gotta help me wash this shit off!" His eyes widened before he burst into a fit of laughter. I was tired of him laughing at me! He knows he'd be like this, too! And maybe only to mock me; But he'd do it. 

"What? Stop it! What's so funny?" I demanded as Shane took a deep breath to compose himself. "I'm Sorry, Joey. It's're so innocent. It's cute. And then you cussed, signaling how pissed off you were and I just find it funny.." He shrugged meekly as I slowly stood up off the bed. "I don't trust you with my dignity anymore." I joked as I made my way to the bathroom. "It's all over your back!" Shane started laughing again. I knew he couldn't help it, if it was the other way around I'd be laughing too, but it was really annoying the crap out of me. I just ignored his laughter and trudged into the bathroom. I bent down and opened the cabinet under the sink to pull two towels out, setting them  next to the sink. Shane came in shortly after I got the towels with a slightly red face. Atleast his laughing had died down. "I'm sorry." He faked a pout and kissed my cheek. I shrugged then said, "It's fine." He passed me to step in the shower as a brilliant way to get him back, at least for now, found its way into my mind. Just before he climbed in the shower, I smacked his ass. 

He glanced back at me; a dark pink color settled over his cheeks. I smirked. "How come you get to touch my butt but I can't touch yours?" He complained as he got into the shower all the way. "Who said you couldn't?" I asked, my smirk widening as I climbed into the shower to join him. He was standing under the stream of the water, letting it was over him. I bit my lip as my eyes traveled down his body; following the water stream. "I don't necessarily want to touch your backside at the moment.." He joked. I faked a gasp and lightly hit his arm. "Shut up and move, boy! You took a shower yesterday plus I'm dirtier than you are!" We switched places and Shane lifted an eyebrow as he said, "Getting clean was one of my intentions of this shower." I gasped and felt heat rise to my cheeks at his words. And after just last night... He wanted to..?

"I was just kidding." He deadpanned and I pouted. "Oh.." I uttered. Shane was in an odd mood...

After another minute of letting the water wash over me and I was fairly certain my backside was clean, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He melted into the kiss and everything felt right in that instant. I think he's been acting weird because he stepped out of his "comfort zone" last night; I did, too. But I didn't want him feeling weird about it.. Or having regrets... Or not wanting to do it again. I hoped he didn't regret it... That would break my heart.. 

Then his arms circled around my waist, resulting in our bodies being pressed closer together. And it felt like this kiss plus the events from last night brought us Closer than Ever, too. 


Sigh. I'm getting extremely tired of writing happy endings even if they're full of feels. It's getting boring. Which is exactly why I'm planning some dramatic chapters, yay! Get ready ;) 

Thanks for Reading (1.6k Reads, Woohoo! c: ) & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, gooodbye!  cx


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