Chapter 8 - Trouble in Paradise?

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Chapter 8 - Trouble in Paradise?

* Joey's POV *

I woke up with a pounding headache and a bad taste in my mouth. I couldn't seem to remember anything that happened yesterday. My eyes flickered open, taking in the site of Shane's relaxed, sleeping face. Did Shane and I make up? I raked through my hazy memories until I caught something that triggered my remembering. Tyler and Sawyer making a drunk collab... Featuring a special guest: Intoxicated Joey. Me drinking the most out of the group. The video ending as I reclaimed my spot on the couch. Shane coming downstairs. Me getting angry and saying awful things to Shane. Shane realizing I was drunk. Shane dragging me upstairs, almost carrying me. Asshole drunk.

I laughed, then. I was an asshole drunk. But then a thought struck me, and i had to wonder... if I said those bad things to Shane's face...what did I say on camera? All of our subscribers knew about us... but what if I said bad things about Shane in the video? They'd think we broke up, when we're made up again. But then I realized how ignorant I was being. Sawyer would edit the videos, and if I said anything too mean, he would've edited it out.

 I used my elbow to prop myself up, my head reeling. I needed water, advil, and a hot shower pronto. If I can stand up without falling right back down, that is. I sat up, holding in a groan. My head hurt so bad, was this even illegal? Just a ruthless thrumming between my eyes. It was killing me. I rubbed my eyes, emitting a soft sigh. I had to be quiet, and let Shane sleep. I blinked, licking over my parched lips, as my eyes settled on my phone, which was glowing on the nightstand. Had it been here all this time? Or had Sawyer or Tyler brought my stuff back up here? I couldn't remember.

Grabbing my phone, I squinted at the brightness displayed on my home screen. I had a new text message....From Lisa. I clicked on the message notification, my eyes skimming over the words: "We should make a vid today!!! Haven't seen U in 2 months! How bout it???!" I sighed, clicking the home button. Just what I needed. Why would she want to make a video with me, anyway? Last time I saw her, I stole her boyfriend! Regardless, I wouldn't reply until I talked to Shane about it. She was his ex. He might not want to be around her. Shoot, he might not want me around her! I'd just have to wait and see. And in the meantime, I could refer to my top priorities list: Water, Advil, Shower.

* Shane's POV *

I woke up to the sound of shower water running. All I had to do was glance around my empty bed to know Joey was the one showering. Hopefully his hangover wasn't too bad, but I'd volunteer in a heartbeat to play nurse. I pushed the blanket off of me as a brilliant idea struck me. Joey and I had never had a shower together before.... I'd never even seen him naked. 

A smirk crossed my face in an instant as I began peeling my dirty clothes off.

"Joseph, darling?" I called as I pushed open the bathroom door. "Shane!" He shrieked from behind the curtain. "Yeah, babe?" I said as I pushed aside the shower curtain. His face went red and his hands shot down to cover his crotch. "You do realize that we as human beings make it a perpetual obligation to shower completely nude?!" He said, a little hysterically, as I emitted a laugh. "Cut it with the big words. I think its about time that I, as your boyfriend, make it an obligation to see you nude." I was pretty sure that didn't make sense but I still couldn't help it when my smirk widened. He rolled his eyes, playfully still, as I stepped into the shower with him.

I stared at him for a full ten seconds until he reluctantly dropped his hands. I tried not to widen my eyes as they roamed over his body, stopping at his impressive member. My eyes snapped back to his as I realized I was 1) Staring, and 2) Drooling. His face was a deep shade of crimson. "Shane," he groaned and I, obviously confused, swept up my eyebrows. But that's when it hit me. He was too busy checking me out to notice that I was checking him out. And when I looked up at him to see him blushing he thought he'd been caught. "You're too damn irresistible." He admitted, shutting his eyes as if embarrassed. I laughed softly. "I'm a tellytubby compared to you. Now, come closer and kiss me, hot stuff, or I think I might explode." His eyes were still closed and he made no move to advance closer. I thought he hadn't heard me, even though I was less than a foot away, until his eyes flicked open to meet mine and he spoke in a husky voice, "I don't want to lose my virginity in a shower, Shane!" He tried to sound serious but I could tell he wanted to give in. "Oops. Too late." I mumbled as I walked him against the wall and our lips melted together.

* Lisa's POV *

When Joey still hadn't answered my text an hour and a half later, I tried Sawyer. My original plan was to try to get Joey to cheat on Shane with me, henceforth ruining their relationship. But maybe now I could make Shane jealous.... Even if he says he loves Joey, a part of him will always love me. After years spent with him, I know too many things about him. Like when he sees me with Sawyer, he'll be too in the moment to realize what he's doing until it's done. Resulting in Goodbye Shoey! And even if Sawyer, Tyler, Joey, and Shane hate me in the end...that's a risk I'm willing to take.

But the thing is, I don't want Shane back. I realized what a mistake it'd been to spend two years with him the day after the breakup. I just wanted to show them that they can't destroy me, and happy endings don't exist. For anyone. That's not how life works, and Karma's a bitch.

My phone bleated and a huge smile spread across my face as I saw the message, "New Message from Sawyer H.: Sure! When can you be here?" I typed in "Twenty minutes" and pressed send as I scooped my car keys off the coffee table and headed for the door.

* Shane's POV *

"Gosh dang it, Shane, my shower's a mess! And we need another shower after just getting out of it!" Joey complained, wiping a towel down his chest, as he glanced back at the shower, which was graffitied with globs of white. "Its really not my fault that you can't control your orgasms." I deadpanned, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. His face lit up a bright red for at least the fourth time today. "Its not my fault I loved it so much!" He whined and I couldn't help but laugh. "Come on, we don't want Sawyer or Tyler busting up in here. They get bored when we aren't around."

Once we were dressed and presentable, we headed down the stairs hand-in-hand. As soon as we reached the bottom step, Joey tried to drag me back up. I didn't understand until I looked up and saw Lisa. In my kitchen. Pressed against the wall. Shoving her tongue down Sawyer's throat. A sudden anger consumed me, then. Sawyer was taken, she knew that! How could she?! "Lisa, how could you?!" I blurted before I could stop myself. Sawyer and Lisa instantly flew apart. "Shit, I thought you were Tyler!" Sawyer muttered, rubbing at his eyes. His hangover had clearly taken a huge toll on his wellbeing.

"Why do you care, Shane?" Lisa taunted, stepping around the kitchen island and slowly making her way to the stairs. I didn't like where this was going. "S-shane?" I heard Joey squeak from behind me. "You care, don't you? And it isn't just because Sawyer is taken..." I spun around, my eyes meeting Joey's tear-filled emerald ones. I'm such an idiot! Lisa did this on purpose! She knew I'd say something stupid! And now Joey thought...who knew what he thought! I knew what I'd be thinking...

That I'm not over Lisa.


Happy (late) Valentine's day! :D It was Valentine's day when I wrote this, but Wattpad wouldn't let me post ;-;  I'm sorry for taking years to update :/ And I'm sorry for this ^^ but this story is probably going to end soon, so I needed some drama to keep it going for a wee bit longer! I've actually got a great (happy) ending to this story already written! But I'm waiting for the right time to end it.

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, Goodbye! c;  


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