Chapter 7 - Apology Accepted

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Chapter 7 - Apology Accepted

* Joey's POV *

I could tell Shane was done for. Scooping him up in my arms, he surprised me. Instead of squirming away, he held on to me. It was probably just because he was tired and wanted to be back in bed, but it was a start. I gently set him in my bed and pulled the blanket up to his chin. He snuggled deeper into the sheets and I leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead, "I love you, Shane." I whispered before climbing into bed next to him. I wish this whole thing was just a sick dream. 

~ The Next Morning ~

I loved this. I knew Shane was still mad at me, but this was perfect. The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes were my arms were around Shane's waist. The second thing was his arm was around my shoulders. It felt so good just to hold him and have him hold me back. I looked up at his face and met his pools of clear blue. He was awake for this..He didn't move or pull away from me. I smiled slightly.

Shane: Good Morning. 

Joey: Shane? 

Shane: Yeah?

I stayed quiet for a minute, collecting my thoughts. 

Joey: Are you mad at me?

Shane nodded slightly. I swallowed hard and looked away. When I looked back, Shane was frowning. I had one more question I needed to ask him.

Joey: Do you hate me?

Shane: Do you love me?

"Yes." I said, my voice steadier than I thought it would be. "No." Shane said, answering my question.

Joey: I'm so, so sorry.

He nodded, "I know."  He leaned down and kissed my nose. "It's okay..."

Joey: You forgive me? 

I made sure my voice didn't sound too hopeful or excited. I didn't want to be let down.

Shane: still have to give me a little bit of time. You did cheat.

I know, Shane...I know. And I feel horrible about it. You have no idea how bad I feel. I'm so so so so sorry. My thoughts were going to kill me. I nodded then whispered, "I know." 

Joey, he didn't break up with you. You just have to give him time. Be patient.

Joey: How about I make us breakfast?

I'd do anything to take us away from this subject. Just distract us from this for a few minutes. 

Shane: Sure. 

I pulled myself away from Shane and slid off the bed. Not waiting for him, I walked out of my room. I took extra care to glance in Sawyer's room to see if he'd left. He had. I hope Sawyer understood Shane and I just needed to be alone.

* Shane's POV *

I wanted to forgive Joey so bad. I wanted to tell him everything was fine, that I trusted him, and loved him. And those things were true...except I was afraid. Since Sawyer came out about his feelings for Joey, I was afraid he'd kick me out. I had nowhere else to go but my mom's. And my mom doesn't even know I'm gay yet. It'd been maybe five minutes after Joey had gotten up to make us breakfast, so I stood up and left the room to join him. I walked into the kitchen and instantly smelled eggs. I grinned. 

Shane: Ooh, What's cooking, good looking?

Okay, how cheesy was that? But I didn't care how cheesy it was. I love cheese anyway.

Joey: Omelets. I'm making the eggyanyas. 

I laughed softly and sat down at the kitchen island, just watching him cook. It hurt to be scared to forgive him. But I knew I couldn't pretend to stay mad at him forever.

Shane: Joey?

He grabbed his spatula from the countertop and flipped the eggs quickly before looking back at me.

Joey: Hmm?

Come on, Shane. This is Joey. The person you love. The person you'd do anything for. He was still the same person....We all make mistakes.

Shane: I forgive you. It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes; We just have to learn from them. I love you...So much. I couldn't imagine losing you.

And the cheesyness continues. But I knew Joey didn't mind. He turned the burners down some on the stove and walked around the kitchen island to me. He hugged me tight and I smiled; glad to be in his embrace.

Joey: I love you. 

I pulled out of the hug and leaned closer. He soon closed the gap and our lips met. The kiss was soft, and sweet, and beautiful. I never wanted this moment to end. But he soon pulled away and I pouted. He faked a pout and, trying not to laugh, said, "I have to finish our breakfast, Silly." 

I knew he was right. He smiled at me and I smiled back; just watching him cook. I'm glad I accepted his apology. 


I personally dislike this chapter. I'm just not getting inspired right now ;/ But I will assure that the next chapter will be much better...I'll go ahead and tell you...They go and tell their families in the next one! I've read tons of stories where they come out to their families and in every story its the same so I'm changing this up a bit ;) I promise the next chapter will be much better and much longer. My chapters have been short ._. So, I'm going to try and make them longer. 

Atleast it was a happy ending, right? ;-; Yeah, Sorry if you disliked this chapter as much as I did. It just doesn't feel right to me but I imagine this is the best way I can write it. 

I also wanted to thank you for almost 200 reads! Wow, Thank you so so so much! I love you guys <3 I also want to shoutout to my bestfriend @IAmTheAdorkable1 . She reads my updates as soon as they publish and she always votes and she's so awesome! Plus, her fanfictions are amazing and I always get the chance to read parts she wants to add to them! So, check out her account and her fanfics! :) Sorry for the long Authors Note and I'm definitely going to update again later today. But, Thanks so much for Reading; May the odds be ever in your favor, goooodbye! :')


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