Chapter 4 - Sawyer

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Chapter 4 - Sawyer

* Joey's POV * 

After we had packed most, if not all, of Shane's things and loaded the boxes into his car and a couple in Satsuki, we got in our cars and started driving to mine and Sawyer's apartment. About halfway there, My phone rang. It was Shane. I laughed and glanced in the rearview mirror. Yep, he was still following me. I answered anyway, "Yeah?"

Shane: What about Sawyer?

He sounded super nervous. But I knew Sawyer wouldn't mind. And if Shane didn't want Sawyer knowing, we could make up a lie.  I told him the same thing I just thought, that it would be fine. 

Shane: Should we tell Sawyer? 

He still sounded nervous. A small laugh pushed its way past my lips. I couldn't help it, his nervousness was so cute. I hardly see Shane nervous. 

Joey: I guess we should..If we're going to be living with him. Are you scared to tell him? Sawyer will accept matter what.

Atleast the Sawyer I've gotten to know will. But...he doesn't know me as "Gay Joey." Just as...Joey. 

Shane: Yeah..Let's tell him.

Shane's voice sounded much more firm. I was glad his nervousness had receded though it was adorable. I didn't want him to be scared.

Joey: Alright. See you there...No need to be nervous. 

Shane: I know, I know. I love you.

Joey: I love you more.

I hung up before he had time to argue. 

* Shane's POV * 

I shook my head. I could feel my inner Shananay starting to come out. We could continue this argument later and it could go on for decades. If he thought he could win it, He was sadly mistaken. Not even five minutes later we were pulling over to the side of the curb. I got out before Joey and grabbed one box from the passenger side. Sawyer wasn't even home right now..So we could probably get all of my things inside before we even had to tell him...Or ask him. Joey had assured me Sawyer wouldn't mind. I believed him. Joey got out of the car and grinned at me.

Joey: Someone's excited.

I rolled my eyes and nudged him with my elbow playfully.

Shane: Can you blame me?

I then fake pouted and brought out the puppy dog eyes.

Shane: Will you pleeeease get all the boxes from your car? There's only a few..and I'll get the rest from my car.

It was Joey's turn to roll his eyes. 

Joey: Of course I'm helping you, Silly! I'll definitely get the ones from Satsuki, then I'll help get the rest out of yours. Sound good?

I nodded. But then another thought struck me. 

Shane: How are we going to fit all my stuff and all your stuff in the same room? 

Joey shrugged then stood there for a minute, thinking. 

Joey: I have a big closet. We'll just put some of the things that are unnecesarry to both of us in there.

I nodded in agreement. I waited for Joey to grab a box then we started loading them into his Apartment....Our apartment.

~ Three hours Later ~

* Joey's POV * 

I honestly didn't expect that to take so long. Putting all the boxes into my room was no problem...but all the sorting and putting away and moving took forever. But we finally got it worked out and things looked good. Sawyer texted me at least ten minutes ago asking me if I wanted him to pick up food on his way home. I told him to get enough for three and that Shane was here. I didn't tell him that we all needed to talk. So while I was sitting at my desk thinking of ways to tell Sawyer and Shane was laying on my bed making perverted jokes, I heard the front door open. 

Shane: So while you're sleeping and you feel something touching your--

Joey: Shh!

I listened harder. I still hadn't found a way to tell Sawyer. I heard him set something on the counter. 

Joey: Sawyer's home.

Shane: You nervous?

I guess I did sound nervous. Shane's probably nervous again, too, since I made it seem like I wasn't nervous at all. What if Sawyer kicked us out? What if he hated us? He's my best friend. 

Sawyer: Joey?

I heard Sawyer's deep voice call out and I nodded to Shane. It was now or never. I stood up from my desk and Shane rolled off of my bed. I walked nervously out of my room and saw Sawyer putting away groceries. Shane squeezed my hand quickly then let go of it. I wished I could've held on to his hand and never let go of it. 

Joey: Sawyer..We need to talk to you.

Sawyer looked up. He smiled at us then nodded.

Sawyer: Okay, go ahead. 

I glanced at Shane. He nodded, too. Why was I so nervous? This was Sawyer, he would accept us! 

Joey: We need to tell you something important..

Shane: Just tell him.

Sawyer: Come on, Joey. I've been your friend forever, Whatever it can tell me.

By this time Sawyer had stopped what he was doing and looked between both Shane and I. 

Joey: Okay..Well...I'm Gay. 

Sawyer cut me off by laughing. It wasn't a mean laugh, maybe a shocked laugh.

Sawyer: I knew it!

Joey: What's that supposed to mean?

My voice sounded defensive and childish. I sighed then rolled my eyes.

Joey: And I'm in love with Shane..

Sawyer: Wow..

He truly seemed shocked now. But there was something else in his eyes. Was that disappointment? Shane stayed quiet..I guess he could tell, too.

Joey: Lisa kicked Shane out..Can he stay here for a little bit?

Sawyer nodded. I sagged with relief. I looked back at Shane to see him smiling.

Sawyer: Of course. You guys are still my bestfriends.

Sawyer went back to putting away groceries abruptly. 

Joey: Thank you Soy-soy.

I used his nickname hoping that would cheer him up. 

Shane: Thanks, Soy-Sauce.

Shane followed my lead with the nicknames. He took my hand now, and I squeezed his hand this time. I smiled. I actually think this may work. 


Aw, Happy Ending! Don't you just /hate/ happy endings? ;P Anyway, Things won't stay happy for long! I might update more later today, It depends on how busy I am. And if I don't today, I will tomorrow. Thanks for Reading! :)


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