Chapter 9 - Deathbeds

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Chapter 9 - Deathbeds

* Shane's POV * 

I knew this was going to end bad. I could tell Sawyer was drunk just by the way he was walking, who knew how drunk he really is? He could do anything. Joey was in the back of the house, skyping his mom, with the door closed. If a fight ensued, would he even hear it? Sawyer shut the door and smiled at me. It wasn't a friendly smile. But it wasn't a hateful smile either. It was sort of...blank. 

Sawyer: Shane, my main man! I need to talk with you.

His words were slurred and I could tell he was so past his tolerance. I'd be lucky if he didn't kill me. I didn't want Joey in the middle of it. I guess this was what I got for hitting him so many times last night. I turned the TV up a little more then stood up off the couch. I'd let him beat the shit out of me. But he'd get the worst punishment of all...Joey would hate him. 

Sawyer: Why aren't you scared?

Oh, I knew this game. All too well. When I was in High School, the bullies used to pull this game. If you weren't scared of them, they beat you until you flinched at your own shadow. I just imagined Sawyer as one of those bullies. I survived them..I could survive him. 

Sawyer: What? Didn't quite catch that, Pussy. 

I rolled my eyes, "Because I didn't say anything, Dick." 

He charged for me. I just stood there. He punched me in the jaw; I had to say the pain was immense. It fingered off from the spot he hit and radiated throughout my whole head. I was going to die..and Sawyer Hartman was going to kill me. That thought struck me like an anvil. And it terrified me.

Mainly because I thought about how I'd never see Joey again. Never get to hold him or kiss him or tell him that I love him. That was the worst thing you could ever do to me...Make me unable to be with Joey. He hit me really hard in the stomach and made me crash to my knees. "Joey..." He started as he kicked me in the side, making me topple over. "Is.." He continued as he kicked me in the crotch area. "Mine." He finished with a snarl as he kicked me in the jaw (the same spot he hit me in) and the world starting to get blurry. I was unfocused and couldn't tell what was happening. I didn't even know if I was breathing. I felt a few more hits to my head and a kick in my ribs. He was actually going to kill me. "Shane!" I heard Joey's voice. I wish he would keep talking and never stop. His voice was the last I wanted to hear. The world was fading from my grasp and it killed me inside to know what fate was awaiting me.

"Sawyer, how could you?!" I heard, followed by a crash. It was like my life was one of those movies..The ones you love and watch a million times over again and then just stop watching it. It falls to the back of your Entertainment set and scratches itself up. You think about cleaning one day, many months later. You find the movie and stop everything you're doing just to watch it. You put the movie in but alas, it is too scratched to even play. It just keeps skipping. That's what I felt like right now. Everything was skipping. "I need an ambulance..He's dying...Hurry!" Skip. "Shane, I love you...Hold on, for me." Skip. "Fuck you, Sawyer! Get out! Get out, Go away! I never want to see you again!" Skip. Sirens. Loud sirens. Sirens that were getting closer. "Shaney, baby..They're almost here..They're going to help you." The last thing I heard before I blacked out completely was an echo of the worst thing I'd ever heard, "Joey is Mine." Skip.

* Joey's POV * 

"Is he going to die?" I kept cutting the doctor off, probably pissing him off to no end. 

Doctor Rial: It's hard to tell...He lost a lot of blood and he seems to be in a coma. It's all a matter of how long it takes him to wake up.

I blinked, stunned. Shane could die. If he didn't wake up...

He was gone. Forever.

"Mister Graceffa, can you tell me how this happened?" The Doctor asked. I shook my head. I couldn't talk. I couldn't walk, I couldn't blink, I couldn't breathe. I already almost lost Shane once..I couldn't lose him again, this time permanently. Before the ambulances arrived, Sawyer apologized to me in a drunken tone, then ran from the apartment. I didn't know if I'd ever see him again. The grief I was feeling was unbearable. Loss for my bestfriend, The old Sawyer. Not the new one he changed into. Not even the old Sawyer would try and kill someone; Drunk or not. And my Shane...I wouldn't be able to survive his loss. I didn't call his mom. I didn't want to tell her. I didn't want her to feel what I was feeling. "I think he's in shock.." The doctor uttered to a nurse who came over to my side. I blinked and looked at her. I didn't need them doing work on me, I needed to be here for Shane. "Can I see him?" I had to see him. I hadn't seen him since they brought him in; Nearly thirty minutes ago. 

Doctor Rial: He's in Intensive Care..I don't think it's the best thing..

I nodded. I knew the doctor was right. "We can let you stay in one of our empty rooms near the ICU..If you'd like to be close to Mister Dawson." 'Mister Dawson' sounded too formal and too foreign. I just wanted Shane, my Shane. I guess I nodded because soon I was following the doctor down to the ICU. We passed the ICU and went down another corridor; just a long stretch of rooms. "If anything changes throughout the course of the night, We'll have someone alert you." I nodded as my thanks. I didn't think I could speak. I went inside the room; It looked like a typical hospital room. I sat down on the plain bed and just stared at the wall. If this the last thing I ever see..I'm okay with that. After all, the last thing Shane saw was Sawyer. I didn't think I could cry but I guess the floodgates were finally broken somehow. I felt hot tears rush down my face but I didn't have the strength to brush them away. I just wanted Shane. Alive, okay, Happy..He was so happy earlier...How could things change so quick? It was like that kiss, talking to his mom, our joking, our laughing, our skype call, our happiness..It was like it was all just a distant dream. I tried to remind myself there was still a chance that he was alive. But it wasn't setting in. I didn't move a muscle since I sat down. I don't think I moved at all, not even to brush my tears away, because the next thing I knew there was the same nurse from before waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked and she came into focus. There were tears in her eyes.."Joseph? It's been five hours...but..Shane...He's worse. Come with me." 


Personally, I hated making Sawyer the bad guy. I love Sawyer; he's one of my favorite youtubers. But..This was just one of those inevitable things. It had to be done.

Oh hey, Three Chapters in one day!;D Sorry if this chapter wasn't what you expected, or you hated it or whatever. I sort of hated it too. I mean, Poor Shane, guy can't get a break. Plus Half the time I think I displayed too much emotions and then I think I didn't display enough. Whatever, this next chapter will express plenty of feelings! Anyway, Thanks for Reading and Voting! :) Don't forget to be Awesome; bye c; 


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