Chapter 13 - Home

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Chapter 13 - Home 

* Shane's POV *


I groaned and pulled my blanket higher over my head. "Shane?" I heard Joey whine.

"I'm Sleeping, what the actual fuck do you want?" I spoke in a groggy voice; Trying to chase after my exhaustion. I'd been channeling every emotion into exhaustion and I was using it to my benefit. I just wanted to sleep. "It's time to go home! We can leave any time today, I have your medicine prescriptions, everything we need to know.." On second thought...

I threw the blanket off of me and Joey cracked up. "What? Are you laughing at my enthusiasm? That it?" I rolled my eyes. "No..I'm laughing at your hair. I guess not walking for a week lead to not showering for a week lead to not doing your hair for a week." He was still cracking up. "I see. All you care about in the relationship is if I have nice hair." I knew Joey was kidding, I just wanted to mess with him.

After a minute of struggling to stand up, I finally realized what I should've all along. I was still connected to all of the IVs. They had taken the ventilator out yesterday to see how my breathing was without it. It was back to normal again. I'd also been given a "free sample" of the medicines I'd be on; to make sure I don't have an allergic reaction and to make sure they do their job. 

"Joey, help." I pouted. I think Joey liked me to ask him for help. I think he felt charge. He shook his head, a tiny smile on his face. "What?" I squeaked out. Did he want me to stay in this bed forever? I wanted to be on my feet. I wanted to walk. I've been laying in a bed for almost seven days, my legs felt all cramped. I slouched back against my pillow. "The nurse has to do all that, silly. I could make you worse." He explained with a little shrug. "Get the fugging nurse, then. I want out." Joey shook his head, with a laugh and just watched me. I wanted to know what he was thinking. 

* Joey's POV *

I shook my head, laughing lightly; watching Shane watch me. Shane never ceased to amaze me. It didn't matter what he was doing. He could be vlogging, or filming a skit, or badmouthing someone, or sleeping, or even breathing and I fell even more in love with him. "What?" Shane asked again, this time not demanding or begging. "I love you." I spoke quietly, leaning against the doorway. "I love you, too. Which is why I want to be out of here so we can be alone and together and happy. And we can still cuddle while my body's in this state..So I want to cuddle you and hold you and kiss you and Please, Joey, get the nurse." He ended that statement with a huge pout. I laughed, probably too loud. I guess he didn't know he had the ability to get the nurse. I sighed. "Shane, there's a nurse button under the monitor, Right there." I lifted a brow as he shook his head, dumbfounded. "I have been sleeping all week, Joey. I didn't have time to notice the little things." He rolled his eyes, his voice taking on his Shananay lilt. I could tell he was already feeling much better.

Hitting the Nurse button, not once but three times, he crossed his arms as we waited. "Joey, you're going to have to move.." I rolled my eyes slightly, but moved anyway; Sitting in the recliner by his bed. "Shane, you know we can't go straight home? We have to go pick up your prescription." Shane groaned but nodded anyway. The nurse walked in, a questioning look on her face. Shane spoke up before I could, "Took you long enough. Can you take these goddamn tubes out of my freaking arm? I want to go." I stared at Shane. "Shane! You could be a little nicer!"

"Oh, It's fine." The nurse shrugged then moved to Shane's left to remove the IVs. "What if these bitches start bleeding?" Shane asked, referring to the marks where the IVs had been. "Well, I'll apply a bandage to all of the spots now and once you take the bandages off; If they continue bleeding just apply another one." She finished taking all of the IVs out and reached into her pocket to pull out a stack of various size bandaids. Peeling the paper off of one, she stuck it on Shane's arm followed by another on his neck. "You're good to go." She smiled and quickly left the room. I think Shane scared her. 

I stood up to help Shane if he fell; Walking after a week of not moving your legs at all had to take a minute. He pushed the bulky hospital blanket aside, standing up. He just stood there for a minute before he took a wobbly step. He could walk but he was going to be a bit unstable. I looped my arm through his to help him and we set off toward the lobby to check him out. I had his prescriptions in my back pocket; The doctor gave them to me about three days ago. I had to pick up two medicines from the Pharmacy on our way home and if Shane thought he'd need a laxative...Well, we'd get him a laxative. 

Shane was unsteady on his feet but it didn't take long for us to reach the lobby. The perky blonde behind the desk shot me a flirty smile. I tried not to facepalm. I'm not into girls, lady. I hope Shane didn't notice. "Are you guys leaving?" She asked, keeping the smile on her face. Shane leaned against the counter, shooting her a glare. Yeah..he noticed. "We are, indeed. Dawson...or Yaw." I looked at Shane and he shrugged. I gave the doctor Shane Dawson instead of Shane Yaw so he was probably under Dawson...I just didn't know for sure.  The receptionist nodded, typing something into her computer. "We have him here under Dawson." She clicked a few things then shot me another smile. "You're free to go." I reached over and took Shane's hand as he pushed himself off of the counter. As we walked out, I'm pretty sure the blonde watched us go, hand-in-hand. I was glad. 

* Shane's POV *

"Shane, wake up." I rubbed my eyes and glanced over at Joey; the sleep still clouding my vision. "Hmm?" He unbuckled me and offered me an adorable smile. "You fell asleep right before I got to the pharmacy..We're home." I felt a smile twitching at my lips as I rubbed my eyes again. I watched Joey as he grabbed the Super D bag from the console, grab the keys from the ignition and stash them in his back pocket, then come around to the passenger side and open my door for me. "Thanks.." I smiled at him as he took my hand. I turned in my seat and placed a foot on the ground followed by my other foot. I was still getting used to walking again. I shut my door and followed Joey up the steps to his apartment. We got in and Joey signaled me to stay where I was. He disappeared into the kitchen; Probably putting away the medicine. I heard him talking in an adorable voice to Hitch. He was probably going to feed him, too. I guess he was ours now..

I promised myself not to think of Sawyer but I couldn't help it. He tried to kill me but before he went cuckoo, he was one of my bestfriends. And he was Joey's bestfriend. I couldn't help but feel bad. 

Joey came back after about five minutes and scooped me up in his arms like I was a baby. He carried me bridal style up the stairs to his, excuse me, our room. Laying me back on the bed, he sat at the edge of it. "Are you hungry? You only ate, like, three times at the hospital." I shook my head. I just wanted to cuddle him. I made grabby hands for him and he giggled. "I swear I'd come to you every time you wanted me to, just for doing that." I kept doing it. He rolled his eyes in good-nature and crawled up the bed toward me. Pulling the blanket over us, he kissed my cheek and let me cuddle into his shoulder. It felt good to finally be home. 


I tried to make that chapter longer than some of the other ones.. I just hope you guys liked it. c:

I also want to say Thank You for 500 Reads! Woaaaah! Thanks a million for Reading and Voting! That's really all I really wanted to say; I know I say Thank You after every chapter but I want to thank you for reading because it means a lot to me. I'll try and update later; I haven't been doing more than one update in a day lately ;/ Sorry ._. I'll try! I'll also try and update my other fic. I haven't been working on it like I have this one .-. 

But thanks for Reading and Voting; May the odds be ever in your Favor, goooodbye cx 


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