Chapter 4 - 5 AM

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First off I want to dedicate this chapter to @Secret23_Girl for adding my book to her reading list and for the nice comment she left so thank you and enjoy :)

Leanna's POV

After my dad left, I got Niall and Louis onto their tour bus that was sitting in the parking lot. That took forever, because I had to open the door with my foot while carrying two heavy teenage boys on my shoulder.

Why the hell are they even on a tour bus? Their tour apparently ended a month or so ago.

I then, not so carefully, placed them on the floor and took a look around to become familiar with the temporary setting.

The bus had an red interior, the couch siting around a large flatscreen was white. The Tv had several game stations hooked up to it, with a pile of games on the floor beside them.

I walked down through the kitchen area, and made my way into where the bunks are.

There was six bunks, each with neon pink name tags to identify where each boy slept, but there was a single empty bunk. I got Niall and Louis into their bunks, which were at the very top. I had to lift Niall and shove him In his bunk and Louis into the other.

I began to get hungry so I ate a sandwich really quick, and then returned to the studio. I got lost, and forgot where the room was. I walked around for at least three hours before I finally found the room. I began to freak out because I could've swore there was three boys left in the room, but I only saw two.

I looked all over, for about another hour for the other boy.

I knew I had to work quick, so I gathered Harry, and Zayn and started to move.

When I was passing the front desk Wilma stopped me.

"Excuse me? What do you think you are doing with those boys? How did you get in here?" She screeched at me, her smoker voice sounding raspy.

She scowled at me, sitting at her desk.

"I'm taking them to their tour bus in the parking lot. I'm their bodyguard. We met this morning." I informed the nosy woman.

She squinted, looking at me unsure.
"I don't know, the girl this morning looked much more prettier than you." She stated unsure.

"Wait right there. Don't move." She demanded, when I started walking off. I froze in my spot, rolling my eyes but obeyed.

She picked up her phone and typed in a number.

"Ya, I need you to come out here." She said, sounding monotone.

"What do you mean you have a meeting? I don't have you down for any meetings today." She said, sounding angry.

"Two hours? Fine, we will wait." She said, slamming the phone back into its place.

She looked at me and motioned towards the waiting room. I groaned, taking the boys with me.

After a long time Simon came out of his office, a large smile on his face.

"What's the problem?" He asked Wilma. She glanced towards us, and said," Is that One Direction'a new bodyguard? She claims she is, and she was wanting to leave with them boys."

She's our bodyguard?!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt