Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Song Themes For This Chapter: Heartless – Kanye West; Apologize – Timbaland feat. One Republic


My head rests against Louis’ shoulder as I completely sink into him, trusting him to hold me up which he does.  His hands are wrapped around me securely and his head is tilted, resting against my forehead.

I feel at peace.  Safe…warm…happy…it’s almost like a dream but I am so happy that it’s not.

My parents have been stealing glances at us throughout the night, I didn’t have to look at them to know that they had disgusted looks plastered on their faces.  I didn’t care if they didn’t approve.  I didn’t care who stared at us or what anyone in this room thought.  All that mattered was that I was in Louis’ arms right now, my stomach overflowing with fluttering butterflies.  His presence was all consuming and I wanted nothing more than to fall deeper into him.  This overwhelming feeling…it was addictive…alluring…

“Rose…”  Louis whispered.


I tilted my head up slightly to look at him.  His sparkling blue eyes instantly found mine.  He stared into my eyes for a moment before slowly craning his head closer to mine.  His lips were slightly puckered as his eyes closed.  I stiffened.


“Just one kiss.  It doesn’t have to mean anything.  It won’t mean anything.”  He murmured.  It sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

He slowly brought his lips closer to mine.  Becoming a little anxious, I slowly moved closer to him as well.  I closed my eyes just as our lips brushed.


I froze.  I knew that voice.  It wasn’t Louis’.

I flinched away from Louis and whipped around to find Peter standing just a few feet away from us.  His expression held a mixture of shock and pain.

“Peter…  I…  W-What are you doing here?”

“So this is Prissy Peter.”  Louis says smugly.

“Louis.”  I hiss, giving him a look of warning.

“I came here because I was worried I had done something wrong…pissed you off in some way.  I tried calling and texting but you weren’t answering.  Then I call your home phone to find out that the party was still going on.  I couldn’t understand why you would lie to me.  So I rushed here to fix whatever I had done to upset you and I find you here with some other guy.”  He gestures towards Louis, scrunching up his face in anger and disgust.

There’s a knot in my throat and tears are threatening to spill from my eyes but I try my hardest to hold them back.

“Peter…”  My voice cracks.  “I-It’s not what you think…”

He exhales through his nose as if trying to keep himself from completely losing it.  “Feel free to explain.  I know you probably have a good explanation.  Let’s hear it.”  He says calmly, clenching his jaw while he waits for me to answer.

I open my mouth to speak but I can’t.

“Oh come on, Rose.  Tell him how you asked me to be your date and may I remind you, prissy boy, you interrupted us here.  Aren’t you rich people about proper manners?  We were just about to have a tender moment and you so rudely interrupted-”

“Louis!  Stop!”  I cry, clenching my fists at my sides as a few tears manage to slide down my cheeks.

“Fine.  I’ll just stand here and drink up some of this horrible champagne while you two stand there staring at each other without saying anything.”  He grabs two glasses of champagne from the nearby butler carrying filled glasses on a tray and starts to gulp down one of them.

Reckless PassionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora