Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Song Themes For This Chapter: Ugly On The Inside – The Maine; Fall Apart – Every Avenue; Safe and Sound – Taylor Swift


Louis’ hands were jittery as he loosely put an arm around my back while his free hand lingered near my front; he seemed unsure where to place it.

“I’m fine, Louis.”  I say with a breathy laugh.  “It’s just morning sickness.”  I place a hand on my stomach and my free hand over my mouth as what’s left of my breakfast threatens to come back up.

We slowly walked towards one of the little coffee shops in town.  Louis was sheltering me and hovering over me as his worried eyes only left me to quickly glance in front of us, making sure we weren’t going to walk into anything or anyone. 

My attempts to ease his worries proved not to be working as I looked up at his face.  I knew his stomach was in knots as he tried to prepare himself for talking with his mother and the early pregnancy symptoms that I had been experiencing were unfamiliar to him, causing him to worry more.

“You wouldn’t have to experience this shit anymore if you let me take you the doctors and have the baby aborted.”  Louis mutters in frustration.

I notice a man walk past us, shooting us a look of disgust.  I grit my teeth apologetically before turning to narrow my eyes at Louis.  “We’re not discussing this now.  And keep your voice down.  I don’t need the world to know.”

He purses his lips and gives me a stern look but he drops the argument.  He gently takes my hand in his free hand and guides me across the street towards the coffee shop, his other hand still secured around my back.  I was thankful that Louis got his mother to meet him at some random one as opposed to the popular FreeState Coffee where I would often meet with Peter.  I didn’t want to run into him nor did Louis for that matter.

“Louis, my legs are in perfect working condition.  You really don’t need to do this.”  I say with a giggle.

“I don’t want anyone smacking into you.  And you can get random pains or symptoms at any given time, I don’t want to risk you collapsing on me and then getting hurt.”  He furrows his brows.

I smile at his consideration for me.  It may be hard for him to express it nicely but Louis really was a gentleman.

Louis opens the door to the coffee shop while guiding me in with his other hand around my back.  He halts immediately as we step in.  My eyes follow his and find his mother sitting at the far end by the window, hands folded on the table as she stares out the window.  I saw the worry and sadness in her expression; maybe she feared Louis wouldn’t show up.

“Come on.”  I gently coax Louis with a smile and nudge him forward.  He walks me over to the table where his mother is seated.  Her head jerks in our direction as a welcoming smile spreads on her face.

I return her smile and maneuver behind Louis, allowing him to slide into the booth across from his mother before sliding in beside him.

“Nice to see you again… Rose, right?”  She asks in a soft voice.

I nod and turn to Louis who is leaning his back against the seat, staring at his mother with a blank face.  My eyes shift down and notice he’s fidgeting.

“I’m glad you decided to come, Louis.”  Nora says with a smile.  “Both of you.”  Her eyes shift over to me.

“Oh.  I’m not staying.”  I get up from the booth and Louis’ head darts in my direction, his hand sliding over the seat towards me.

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