Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Song Themes For This Chapter: Bullet For Your Dreams - Hedley; I Won’t Let You Go (Darling) – Hedley


I turn my head to look at Louis sitting beside me as we sat in the waiting room to be called up.  We had already talked with the doctor and he answered all of our questions and informed me how to handle this pregnancy but I need to eventually tell him if I plan to keep the baby or if I want to abort it.  Louis had rudely interrupted stating that I wanted to abort it to which I argued.  The doctor shifted to a subtopic, discussing our inquiry about the paternity of the baby and mentioned that we didn’t have to approach the other possible father, thankfully; and that there was a procedure they could do right now where they take some of my blood as well as some of Louis’ blood and we would have the results within five to ten days.  If it came back positive, it would mean Louis is the father; if it was negative, the only other possible father was Peter.

The doctor had mentioned that the slight risks for this test were miscarriage, bleeding, cramping and it may cause harm to the baby, if I don’t miscarry.  And we had until we got the test results to decide if we want to keep the baby or not.  I had until then to convince Louis to be a father to this baby.

Louis was staring straight ahead, his eyes looking strained, jaw clenched.  My eyes trail down to his hands in his lap, his one knee is moving up and down as he taps his foot and he’s fiddling with his fingers.

“Louis.”  I place one of my hands on his restless lap.  He turns his head towards me and forces a quick smile.

“What’s wrong?”  I ask curiously.  It wasn’t like him to appear so nervous, especially for something as little as getting blood taken.

He snorts.  “What’s wrong?  Try asking what’s right.”

I furrow my brows.  “What do you mea-”

“Baby, Peter, fatherhood, DNA test, dinner, parents, heroin, getting blood taken… is there anything I’m missing?”  He says dryly.

I tilt my head.  “Louis, this dinner is a great opportunity for us to show my parents that they made overly-exaggerative false assumptions about you.  And this baby, it could bring us closer.  Maybe even the other boys can help us raise it.”

He laughs.  “You’re out of your mind, Rose.  Come on.  Be rational here.”

“I am being rational, Louis.”  I raise my voice.  Louis’ eyes glance over me and I turn to see the other people sitting in the chairs nearby, eyeing us with wide eyes, disapproving frowns, and disgusted looks.

I turn back to Louis, lowering my voice to a whisper.  “You want to quit heroin and you have a job opportunity right in front of you.  And I know you, Louis, you’d be a wonderful father.”

He turns away from me, clenching his jaw.

I don’t have the chance to say anything else as both of our names are called to go in and have blood taken.  We walk up to the front desk and are directed to two separate rooms.  I stop in the doorway of the room and turn halfway towards Louis.  I faintly smile at him and I release a breath that I had been holding in when I see him faintly smile back at me.

I walk in and sit down on the chair and wait for the nurse to prepare the needle.  My eyes shift over to the nurse just as she turns towards me with the needle in hand and I gulp and turn my head the other way.  I mentally cursed myself; this wasn’t like me.  I’m not scared of needles or seeing the blood being taken!  But apparently, this pregnancy has changed that.

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