Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Song Themes For This Chapter: Untangle Me – The Maine; Don’t Give Up On Us – The Maine


We had driven about an hour away from the rose garden just to change our location in case my father decided to send the police after us again.  Now here we were, lying in a large, open field, cuddling.  The realization made me smile to myself.

Before we ended up cuddling in this open field, Louis had taught me a rather… unappealing skill.


“Come on!  Just try it, it’s fun!”

I grimace.

Louis rolls his eyes and laughs.  “Look, I’ll show you again.  You just gather as much saliva in your mouth as you can, a good spit requires a lot of your natural juices-”

“Ew!  Louis!”  I cover my face with one hand and shake my head.

I hear him laugh as he gently pries my hand away from my face.  “Come on!  Just gather up saliva in front of your tongue, purse your lips, and make a small opening in your lips, and-”  He breaks off as he blows, spitting off into the field and I cringe in disgust.  Why was he making me do this?

“Just try it once and I won’t make you do it again.”  He says while grinning.

I continue to grimace at him but I attempt to build up saliva in my mouth, I almost need to breathe through my nose to stop myself from throwing up.  This was the grossest thing I’ve ever had to do.  I follow the instructions Louis gave me and hastily spit just so I didn’t have to hold it in my mouth anymore.

“That was terrible!”  Louis throws his hands up.  “Try it one more time, really build up the saliva this time.”

“Why are you making me do this, Louis?”  I whine.

“Because I’m teaching you a valuable life skill, it’ll come in handy for you one day.”

I cock my head to the side and purse my lips.  “Now how is spitting a valuable life skill?”

“It just is.”  He answers quickly.  I take that as he has nothing to back up his statement so I just assume he’s making me do this for whatever his idea of fun is.

“One more time, then I swear I won’t make you do it again.  Just put effort into this one.”  He lectures.

I frown before attempting again, building up the saliva as gross as it was, and giving a forceful blow.

“HEY!  That was beautiful!”  Louis cheers.

“That was gross.”  I retort.

He laughs as he wraps his arms around me, enveloping me in a warm embrace.  It takes me a moment to get used to him being so… openly affectionate so suddenly.  But I am not complaining at all.

End Of Flashback: Present Day

Louis had gotten too hot so he took his shirt off; I was content, tracing the tattoos inked into his chest.  He had so many… a lot were on his arms though.

I briefly glance up at his face to see his eyes are closed, hands folded behind his head, his expression relaxed as his chest slowly rose and fell under my touch.

“Why’d you stop?”  His voice startles me as his eyes pop open.

I lightly giggle.  “Sorry, I thought you were asleep.”

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