Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Song Themes For This Chapter: Bloodstream – Ed Sheeran; Every Breath You Take – The Police; In The End – Linkin Park; Closer – Nine Inch Nails  


My eyes snap open just as my body jolts up, abruptly waking from sleep.  With a grunt, I lazily roll onto my back and rub my eyes with my palms. 

After returning home, I went straight to bed, dismissing myself from the rest of the boys immediately.  I expected to fall into a deep sleep the second my head hit the pillow and I did… for about an hour.  I seemed to toss and turn restlessly all night.  The colourful and random dreams did not help my attempt at a good night’s sleep.  Sleep was my only escape from my heroin addiction, or so I thought, now it’s become filled with dreams of needles, vibrant colours, and airy sensations that reminded me all too well of the high I would get from injecting myself with the drug.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it through this.

“If anything got me through these past few days it was thoughts of you…”  Rose’s words come to mind from when I saved her from Rick and his men.

I forced my mind to think of her, which wasn’t difficult at all.  I remembered how her perfume smells, how soft her hair feels as I hold some of it in between my fingers, how her body fits perfectly against mine, her dainty fingers tracing my tattoos, her blissed out expression when I touched her and fucked her…

“Shit.”  I mutter through gritted teeth as I feel an ache in my groin.  Great, instead of craving heroin I’m going to end up giving myself a boner.

I turned my head to check the clock on my bedside table.  It was 2:14 p.m.  Rose would probably still be in school and as much as I’d love to drive over there and pull her out of class, I knew she had a test.  Pulling her out of class in general would put me on her parents’ naughty list; causing her to fail a test would make that much worse.

I stumble out of bed and shuffle my bare feet across the floor out into the hall.  I run a hand through my hair, voices registering as I near the living room and kitchen.

“Heeeey, Tommo!  You’re finally up!”  Liam chimes.  Harry is sitting next to him on the couch.  Zayn is sat on a bar stool at the kitchen counter with a coffee in hand.  Niall is rummaging around the kitchen probably in search of something to munch on.

“We were getting a little concerned.  Zayn even woke up before you.  A few hours ago actually.”  Harry comments.

“Well, he did stumble in around eight this morning.”  Niall adds.  “I assume with the noise last night, he didn’t get any sleep.”  He bursts into a laughing fit as soon as he finishes his sentence.

I raise my eyebrows and purse my lips at him, trying to stifle the smile starting to curve at my lips.

“Yeah, Lou.  That was some intense moaning and groaning coming from Rose last night… or was that you?”  Liam jokes.

“This morning as well!  We got an encore while we were all sitting in here!”  Harry chimes in as he and Liam burst into laughter along with Niall and Zayn who’s also started laughing.

I give them all a mock smile as I shake my head.  “Ha ha.  You boys are hilarious.”  I sneer as I walk past the couch and into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

I grimace and reach behind me to gently massage my lower back as an aching pain nags at me.

“Hey Lou, you alright?”  Niall leans his elbow on the counter beside me as I attempt to prepare my tea with one hand while trying to relieve the aching pain in my back with the other.  The pain seems to be spreading to my legs, making it even worse.

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