Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Song Themes For This Chapter: The Closer I Get – Brighten


“Mmm…”  I happily hum as I feel myself starting to wake up.  I move around a little and reach a hand out, feeling across the bed.

“Louis?”  I mumble as I open my eyes to slits and find myself alone in the bed.

I sit up and rub my eyes.  “Louis?”  I say again.

He couldn’t have gone far, we’re in his home.  But still, I felt a little uneasy at the thought.  I quickly shuffle out of the bed and sleepily walk over to the door.  My hand is on the knob just as the door is pushed open from the other side.

“Well good morning, sleepyhead!”  Louis exclaims, coming into the room and shutting the door behind him.

I blink at him before looking away.

“What’s wrong?”

I look up to see him frowning.  “You weren’t in bed when I woke up…”

His eyebrows furrow in confusion.  “I was still here… I was just helping the boys with some stuff.  I didn’t leave you, Rose.”

I drop my eyes to the floor while murmuring, “You kinda did.”

“I don’t understand why you’re upset about this.  I didn’t want to wake you up and I thought I’d be back before you did wake up.  But I wasn’t… no big deal.”

“It’s a bit of a big deal to me.”  I say quietly while keeping my head down.

“Rose, it’s not like we had sex or anything.  Besides, I had stuff to do.”  He says flatly.

“Okay.”  I mutter as I turn and sit on the edge of the bed while still refusing to make eye contact with him.

I hear him sigh.  I’m annoying him, I know it.

“Rose,” He starts.  “I’m not Peter.  I’m not going to pamper you or tend to your every little need like he did.”

I look up at him, slightly hurt but also surprised at the fact that he actually said Peter’s name instead of using the rude nickname he usually called him.

“But,” He continues.  “I will respect you and treat you with love and care as much as I can.  Because you deserve all the best… how old are you, Rose?”

“Nineteen.”  I answer quietly.

He nods.  “So you’re not a child.  I will treat you like the lady you are.  Peter babies you and whether you like it or not, I won’t do that.”

I frown and look away again, glaring at the wall while I was mentally glaring at Louis.  I certainly felt like a child now with how he was speaking to me.

“Rose, look at me when I’m talking to you.”  He says firmly.  “I want to know that you’re listening to me.”

A mischievous smile forms on my lips.  “Make me.”  I challenge him.

When I don’t hear a response, I turn my head slightly to look at him.  His eyebrows are raised and he seems taken aback by what I’ve just said.

“Rose, don’t play games with me.”  He replies.

I can’t help but chuckle at his almost childish tone.  I stand up from the bed and take a few steps towards him.  “I’m not playing any games.  I’m my own person, if you want me to follow your orders, you’ll have to try and make me.”  I grin.

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