Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I’m barely through the door when I hear, “Rose.  Come join your mother and I in the kitchen.”

This was my father’s usual tone, either stern or slightly soft but still serious. 

“I need to get changed.”  I say simply.

“You can get changed after.”  My father replies back.

With a roll of my eyes I kick off my flip flops at the door and shuffle my feet across the hall towards the kitchen.

“Nice of you to join us.”  My father says in a not-so-welcoming tone.  He gives me a quick glance with his eyebrows raised as he scoops a piece of his omelette into his mouth.

I take the chair closest to the wall where there’s an empty plate, assuming it’s mine.  My father is sat across from me and my mother is to my left.  I’m surprised she hasn’t said a word yet.  Honestly, I knew something was up but I didn’t understand what I could be in trouble for now.

“Rose, I want you to apologize to your mother for your abrupt departure yesterday.  Neither of us knew where you were until you called and told us you would be staying at Amanda’s.”

I instantly shake my head in confusion and narrow my eyes at him.  At least I called, I could have just let them worry about where I was and why I wasn’t home yet, but I don’t have the heart to do that.

“I said I was going for a walk, I had a last minute change of plans but I did call you and tell you.  I don’t believe I’ve done anything wrong.”  I boldly respond.

Both my parents’ eyes widened as they looked up at me.  I gulped; different choice of wording may have been helpful.

“Enough of that attitude.”  My father says in a calm but firm tone while making a notion at me with his fork.  “Apologize to your mother.”

I turn to her as she eyes me expectantly.  “I’m sorry, Mother.”

“What are you sorry for, Rose?”  My mother asks, now displaying a tight-lipped smile.

I have to bite my tongue for a moment.  Of course she would want me to give her a full and direct apology when she knows that I believe I’m being wrongly accused.

I take a deep breath, composing myself before saying “I’m sorry for my rude behaviour that I displayed yesterday, it was very disrespectful of me and I am truly sorry.”  Well, that was somewhat true.

“Thank you, Rose.”  My mother replies.

They both continue to eat and I take the fork and knife on either side of my plate and scoop up two omelettes from the big plate in the center of the table and set them down on my plate.

I keep my head down as the three of us eat in silence while I very briefly glance at my parents every so often without them noticing.  My father is watching the news on the small television on the kitchen counter.

“What was that about a local break in, Jonathan?”  My mother asks him; I hear a tinge of worry in her voice.

“Oh, it’s nothing.  Some house was broken into a couple of blocks away… that would never happen to us.”  My father replies, brushing off her worry while keeping his eyes on the television.

“Jonathan, maybe we should look into an alarm system, just as a precaution.  A couple of blocks away is fairly close.” 

My father turns to look at her, taking note of her worried expression.  “You don’t have anything to fear, Elizabeth.  Any uneducated delinquents who have the audacity to try and break into our home and escape freely without severe consequences have never met a persistent man like myself.  I can assure you, I would find them and make them pay.”

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