Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Song Themes For This Chapter: Like A G6 – Far East Movement; Pardon Me – Incubus; Same Mistakes – One Direction


A few hours must have passed…or maybe it’s only been ten minutes…I don’t really know, I lost track.  I also lost track of how many drinks I’ve had…I think it was two…or maybe three…I do remember that however many I had, they were of Jane’s special mixed drink.  She was so nice to have made those drinks for me.

We had started playing a game, I think it was Never Have I Ever…

Oh, I felt so nice and warm…my brain felt like mush.  Is this what it feels like when your mind is completely blank?

My eyes were closed as I reached up to grip the thin material of Peter’s grey shirt and cuddled up against him.

His hand gently stroked my back as he continued to engage in conversation.  His chest vibrated as he spoke.  The sweet sound of his voice filled my ears and I nuzzled into him more.

“Hey, you okay there, baby?”  I felt Peter shake me a little, vaguely catching my attention.

I peered up at him, my vision slightly blurred.  “Mmm?”

He chuckles slightly.  “I asked if you were alright.  You seem a little out of it.”

His voice seemed to pound in my head all of a sudden.  I grimaced in response and buried my face in his chest again.

“Rose, are you alright?”  I heard Amanda ask, her voice taking the same booming volume as Peter’s.  “Peter, maybe she needs some water.”

“Hmm, it’s not like her to get piss drunk like this.”  He said, sounding concerned.

I frowned and forced my head up to look at him.  “Why do you talk like I’m not here?  Why do you act like you’re babysitting me, Peter?  You’re supposed to be my boyfriend not my stupid bodyguard.”  I snapped, grilling him with the loss of conscience the alcohol seemed to grant me with.  

I slurred my words so much I wasn’t sure if he or anyone else understood what I had just said.  And if I wasn’t so drunk right now I’d hope that they didn’t understand me.

“Babe, I’m just worried about you.  Calm down.”  His tone held a bit of firmness.  I must have hit a nerve.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t in my right state of mind to shut up.

“Peter, my parents idolize you because you follow their stupid rules and won’t let me be who I want to be!  You’re like the son they always wanted!  And you know what, I’m-”

“Okay!  I think she’s had a bit too much to drink!”  Amanda interjected as she stood up.  “I’ll just take her to the bathroom for a moment, you know just in case it all decides to come back up.”

My head spun wildly as she gripped me by the arm and tugged me up and away from Peter.  My legs felt like they weighed a ton as she lead me towards the bathroom, stumbling and tripping on my feet as I walked slowly.  Amanda forcefully nudged me a few times, trying to get me to walk faster.

She opened the bathroom door for me and I stumbled over to the corner near the toilet and slumped against the wall, pressing the side of my face against it as I tried to curl up a little.

“Rose, how much did Jane put in those four drinks you had?”  Amanda asked as she bent down in front of me.

“Four?  I thought I had two…”  I mumbled, peering up at her with my half-open eyes.

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