Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Song Theme For This Chapter: Never Get To Heaven – Sarah Blaine


The instant one of Rick’s men opened the door and let us walk in, I had to restrain myself from just yanking out my gun and shooting like a madman before running off to find Rose.  My eyes were all over the place, expecting to see her somewhere, or hear her, but I didn’t.

“My money.”  Rick firmly reminds me, bringing my attention to him.

“No no no no no no.  You get your money when I see that Rose is safe.”  I fight back.

“She’s fine.”  He quickly says.

I narrow my eyes at him.  “There’s no way in hell I’m taking your word for it.”

Rick smiles smugly and lets out a low chuckle.  “Well then give me my money and you can go see her for yourself.”

“I told you, you get your money after I see Rose.”  I say, gritting my teeth.

Rick suddenly whips a pistol out from his pocket and points it at me.  “You know, I’m surprised you only brought two of your boys here with you.  It’s smart in a way but also stupid considering we can overpower you.”

I clenched my jaw, shifting my eyes from Rick to the gun.  Little did he know, Harry and Niall were scanning around the outside of the warehouse looking for Rose.  All part of the easily fragile plan I devised.

I was trying to stall a little until one of them texted me telling me they found her.  If she wasn’t there or if Rick had actually killed her… he was not getting his fucking money.

“Just give me my money.  You already cheated me out of it once.  I’m making sure you don’t do it again.  Give it to me.”  Rick demands.

“Okay, okay.  Just tell me what room or area of the house you have Rose in and I promise you I’ll give you the money right now.”  I say.

Just as I finish my sentence, my cellphone vibrates in the pocket of my hoodie.  I carefully reach in and peer at it.

From: Harry

“We found her.  Third room down on your left from where you are, we think.  She doesn’t look to be in good shape… we can’t see if she’s alive…  What do you want us to do?”

I quickly put my phone back into my pocket and look up to see Rick eyeing me questioningly.

“Personal call, Louis?  I would think you’d ignore any incoming calls or messages considering this is rather important.”

“It’s none of your business.”  I snap.  “Tell me where I can find Rose and I swear I’ll give you your money right here.”  I say, gesturing towards Zayn holding the briefcase.

Despite having already been told by Harry where she was, I did already ask Rick… I couldn’t just act like I changed my mind; I didn’t want him to get suspicious.

Rick rolls his eyes.  “Fiiine.  She’s tied up in the third room on your left.”  He points down the hall.  “Now, my money.”

I grab the briefcase from Zayn and toss it to Rick and his men who lunge at it like animals.

“Let’s go.”  I say to Liam and Zayn as we quickly rush down the hall and burst through the third door.  Harry and Niall’s heads are sticking up in the window from outside, Zayn rushes over to the window and opens it for them.

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