Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Song Themes For This Chapter: I Know What I Know – Shane Harper; Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol


My bum was starting to hurt from sitting on this bench for too long.  Thankfully, the policemen took off my handcuffs shortly after arriving here at the station.  I was near the front desk, so there were a few policemen walking by every five minutes and a secretary at the front desk keeping a watchful eye on me.

I didn’t get to see Louis coming in.  They made sure to bring him in first and then me.  I wondered where he was.  I assumed they put him in a cell.  But he hasn’t done anything wrong!

I had a pretty good idea who was behind this.  My father, if not both my parents, definitely my father.  Maybe he’d find the heart to get the police to release Louis, he did after all do absolutely nothing wrong and the police probably wouldn’t be too happy with my father knowing he wrongly accused Louis.  But then again, my father was a somewhat wealthy man, and from what I’ve seen, most people grovel at his feet when he flashes his money at them.  Bloody pathetic.

“We’re here for our daughter, Rose Laiton?”  The sound of my mother’s voice causes me to instantly look up.

There they are, my mother and father, standing at the front desk.  They turn to see me and walk over to me.

“You are lucky if we ever let you leave our sight again.”  My father wastes no time jumping to the threats.

“Rose, what on earth were you doing?!  We found out you hadn’t shown up for school, neither of your friends had even seen or heard from you!  We didn’t know what had happened to you!”  My mother exclaimed.

“Well, I could’ve texted or called you… oh wait… you took my cellphone.”  I bite back.

Both my parents give me disapproving glares.  I bite my lip.

“We’ll give you your cellphone back.  As for that boy, you are not to see him ever again.  This is the last time you sneak around behind our backs.”  My father states.

“I wouldn’t have to sneak around if you two would stop being so unreasonable!”  I argue.

“Rose, that boy is not for you, he’s changed you, taken you to places that could possibly get you killed!  Whatever happened with Peter is your business, we’re not telling you to get back together with him but this Louis boy is not good for you.”  My mother attempts to sound considerate but she just comes across as insulting.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.  You both do not know anything about what goes on between Louis and I and you don’t know me.  Since I’ve been with him, we’ve had some issues but he’s made me feel more like myself than ever.  I feel free like I can do anything when I’m with him.  I don’t have to please anyone or change myself or do something I don’t want to do to please someone when I’m with him.”  My heart flutters at the thought of him and thinking about how he’s made me feel.

I can tell by my parents’ expressions that they don’t understand or they’re not listening to me.

“I don’t care what you feel with him or what you think you feel with him.  He’s not good for you and all he wants is your body for his own disgusting amusement!”  My father accuses.

“You don’t know him like I do!  You don’t know him at all!  You won’t give him a chance!”  I cry.

“I don’t need to give him a chance!  I already know what he’s like!  You’ll understand when you’ve matured and gotten your head out of this fantasy world you’ve created with him!”  He raises his voice to overpower mine.

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