Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Song Themes For This Chapter: Cold As You – Taylor Swift; Human – Christina Perri


“Oh my fuck!  Fuck!  Shit!  Fuck!  What the hell!  Oh my god!  Fuck!” He shoots up from the bed, pushing his hands into his hair as he takes a few steps away from the bed.

“Louis, please try to be quiet.  I don’t want anyone to come up here.”  I say meekly, my hands now shaking.

He whips around, throwing his hands into the air.  “Be quiet?!  Be quiet?!  You’ve just told me you’re fucking pregnant, and you want me to be quiet?!”

“Please!  Calm down.”  I beg.

“How long have you known, Rose?!”  He looms over me, eyes burning into me as I feel myself cowering.

“This afternoon.  I went with Amanda for her bi-monthly blood donation and I passed out.  The doctor came in and told me.”

“Who else knows?!”  Louis continues his interrogation.

“Just you.”  I breathe, blinking rapidly as tears start to blur my vision.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair again as he paces back and forth.  “It’s okay.  It’s okay.”  He stops in front of me, gesturing towards me with his hands.  “I can take you right now to the hospital and you can get an abortion.”

I narrow my eyes through the tears.  “Get an abortion?”

He shrugs and gives me a “well, yeah” look as if I should already be thinking of doing that.

“Abortion means killing the baby, Louis.”  I gape at him.

“You’ll be doing it a favour.  You can’t seriously think we could take care of it, Rose?”  He says nonchalantly.

“Why not?!”  I shriek.

“Why not?  Look at us, Rose.  You’re nineteen, you’re working on your education and your parents would fucking kill you, not to mention me, if they found out about this.  And I certainly can’t fucking be a father to that thing.  It’s better if we just do away with it now.”

“I can’t believe you’re actually considering killing an innocent living thing!”  I cry.

“I never wanted this, Rose!  If you wanted this, you picked the wrong guy!  Hell, do you even know if this thing is mine?!”  He shouts.

“Stop calling the baby a thing!  It’s a baby, Louis!  Maybe you’ve forgotten, you were once one too!”  I shout back, standing up from the bed.

“Exactly, Rose!  And look what happened to me, do you want it to end up hating its parents when it realizes they didn’t want it?!  And then go off on its own, screwing up its life and getting involved in all the shit like I did or even worse?!”

“I wouldn’t let the baby do that!  I would give the baby the love and care that he or she deserves!  I would think you would too considering you know what it’s like!”

He glares at me.  I hit a nerve.  He exhales through his nose without saying anything.  His eyes burn into me and I fear he’s going to explode or even hit me.

“You don’t even know if it’s mine.  It could be fucking Peter’s.  Or hell, it could even be Rick’s!”  He shouts, diverting the subject.

“It is not Rick’s.  I know that for a fact.”  I say through gritted teeth.

“Fine.  But what about Peter, huh?  What are you going to do if its his?!”

Reckless PassionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora