Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Song Theme For This Chapter: Here In Your Arms - Hello Goodbye


I grinned at her as she managed to get out of my grasp and stand up from the couch.  I caught her blushing as she turned to walk away.  She was intriguing to watch.  She wasn’t pure innocence but she wasn’t pure sin either.  I couldn’t quite figure her out just yet, but I intended to unravel all the mysteries and secrets about her eventually.

I rested my head back against the couch, my eyes travelling over to the table where I spotted the needle with the drug I had planned to inject myself with before Peter had arrived.  Shit.

I fought against the pain as I shoved my body forward and managed to knock the needle off the table with my foot.  I strained to stretch my foot further, nudging the needle under the table and mostly out of sight.  I’d put it away later, I certainly didn’t have the strength to do it now and I wouldn’t be able to do it fast enough without Rose noticing.

I didn’t plan to hide this from her forever.  I wasn’t afraid of her finding out, I’m certainly not changing who I am and I expect her to accept me for who I am.  But just for tonight, I didn’t want anything ruining this moment.  We were finally together, I wanted to revel in the feeling that for once, I had it all.

Rose soon returns, her hands struggling to hold the many items she had.  I watch in awe as she tenderly caters to my wounds.  It did hurt but I didn’t notice the pain much as I was too busy studying her.  She looked up a few times, noticeably uncomfortable by my staring which only made me laugh.

The lads still hadn’t returned by the time Rose had bandaged me up, I can’t say I minded.

“Did you call your friend?”  I asked softly as she relaxes beside me on the couch.

“Mmm?  Oh… yeah…  Amanda’s gonna cover for me with my parents.  I told her not to call Peter at all which made her a little suspicious, I promised I’d explain everything to her tomorrow sometime.”  Her eyes droop a little.  She looks worn out.

“Let’s go to bed.”  I say in a nonchalant tone.

I expect her to protest a little but she surprises me with a slow nod as she stands up from the couch and holds her hands out to me.

“Erm…  I’m alright.”  I reassure her.  Slowly and with struggle, I push myself up from the couch, grimacing as I manage to stand.  The pain would be more tolerant if I had taken that damn drug before answering the door.

Rose stares at me worriedly as I slowly start to walk towards the hallway.  She wraps her hands gently around my arm and leans her against my shoulder and we take our time walking to my room.

I gently try to pull out of her grip and Rose, taking note of that, releases me.  I walk around to the far side of the bed and quickly pull my shirt up over my head, wincing as the material brushes against the many sore spots I have all over my body.  I’m more careful in slipping off my black jeans.  My shoes were already off and I rarely, if ever, wore socks.

Once I was left in just my black boxers, I turned to get into bed, slightly startled by Rose who still remained standing fully clothed on the other side of the bed.  I can tell by the look of discomfort on her face that something is nagging at her mind.  I raise my eyebrows at her questioningly.

“Uh… I don’t have any nightwear with me…”  She says, shifting her eyes nervously.

I breathe a short sigh of relief before bluntly replying, “That’s no big deal.  Just sleep naked.”

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