Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Song Themes For This Chapter: Save You – Simple Plan; Please Don’t Go – KC And The Sunshine Band


I look up at the sound of footsteps coming closer.  The person comes into view and I scramble to stand up.  “Your Rose’s brother.”  I say; I was surprised to see him here.

The stern look on his face struck me with worry.  He could do anything he wanted to me, I just hoped he wasn’t here to tell me something had happened to Rose.

“I’m her brother, Noah, yes.”  He replies in a firm tone.

“Why are you here?”  I say cautiously as I walk up to the bars.

Noah opens his mouth to speak when suddenly Rose’s father appears beside him.

“Do you think you know who tried to kill my daughter?”  He says in a snappy tone; penetrating me with his gaze.

I blink, taking everything in before pondering his question.  “I got some hunches.”

Noah glances over to Jonathan; Jonathan exhales through his nose as he keeps his cold gaze on me.

“I can pay your bail right now, if you promise to find the person responsible for trying to kill my daughter.  If you fail or I find out you are responsible, I will make sure you never see the light of day again.  Is that clear?”  Jonathan says, clenching his jaw as his eyes study me.

I instantly nod and Jonathan narrows his eyes at me before walking back to the security guard.

“How is she?”  I desperately ask Noah as I grip the bars.

His expression has softened; he looks more worried now than angry.  “Stabilized… she hasn’t woken up yet.  She hasn’t moved at all.  I know she’s still alive… that she’s just in a coma but… it’s so hard to tell… she looks…”  He breaks off, turning his eyes to stare at the ground as he smiles sadly.

I frown.

“Did you… did you convince him to come here?”  I decide to change the subject, flicking my head in Jonathan’s direction.

Noah faintly smiles.  “With difficulty.  Yes.  I know you didn’t plan this, Louis.  Even if you are or were a bad guy, it’s impossible.  You were in jail while Rose was out attending Peter’s funeral.”

My eyebrows furrow at a sudden speculation.  “Rose didn’t attend the funeral.”  I tell him.

“What do you mean?” 

“She came to visit me here… she said Peter’s parents kicked her out of the funeral they didn’t want her there after hearing that I was accused of killing him.  And they know I’ve been involved with Rose and the drama surrounding her and Peter.”

“Did she say where she was going after she left here?”  Noah asks curiously.

I shrug and frown.  “We got into a small argument… she saw my knuckles…”  I lift up my hand, glancing down at the dried blood.  “She was torn between wondering if I had actually killed Peter or not.  I tried desperately to get her to believe me.  I did see him but I swear to God I didn’t kill him.  I wouldn’t do that to her.  I know how much she still cared for him.”

Noah’s eyes search mine before he nods in understanding.  He’s taking this rather well, much to my surprise.

“Alright, you’re free to go.”  The security guard says in a firm tone as he comes up to my cell, putting the key into the lock and opening it.  Jonathan is right beside him, eyeing me suspiciously.

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