Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Song Themes For This Chapter: Let’s Take The World Tonight – Shane Harper; Through The Dark – One Direction; Don’t Let Me Go – Harry Styles


I was heading home from school, taking my time as I walked.  I was in no rush to return home where my parents were probably watching the clock and planning to report me as kidnapped if I didn’t come home by a certain time.  My father seemed to be home a lot more than I was used to as well.  I wouldn’t mind that if it weren’t for the fact that the majority of his home time if not all of his home time, was spent trying to keep me and Louis apart.

I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head.  I wasn’t solving anything by dwelling on it.

Louis had left early this morning, thankfully waking me up before he left.

“Rose.  Rose.  Wake up, baby.”  He shook me lightly while trying to keep his voice down.

“Mmm?”  I shuffled around a little before opening my eyes to slits.

He smiles down at me and cups the side of my face and some of my hair in his hand.  “I’ve got to go, babe.”

“So soon?”  I whisper sleepily.

“Sorry, babe.  But I’ll see you later, I promise!  We’ll work something out once I give you the new number to text me on.”

And with a quick kiss to my lips, Louis gathered his shirt and climbed out the window.  I had to get ready for school shortly after that.

He had texted me the number, I’m guessing as soon as he got home.  I added it to my phone and put a random emoji as his name; hopefully my parents wouldn’t catch on if they happened to see the name come up on my phone.  Not that I was ever going to leave it in plain sight but still.

I shuffled my feet into the house and started to make my way up the stairs, only to be interrupted by both my mother and father.

“Rose.”  My mother starts as her and my father appear from the kitchen.

I raise my eyebrows.  “Yes?”

“We just wanted to let you know that your brother and sister will be coming home for their one month break from university in about a week.”  She says.

“So you will be on your best behaviour while they’re here.”  My father sternly adds.  “We’ll have enough to deal with and we don’t need you being the rebellious teenager.  Maybe you’ll realize how much easier it was when you obeyed our orders without question or resistance and stay that way once they leave.”

I inhale sharply and merely blink at them.  I didn’t really have anything to say to my father’s comment that wouldn’t result in scolding and possibly another punishment.

“Where will they sleep?”  I eventually ask.  “We only have one guest room now that Noah’s room has been made into Father’s home office when he’s not at work and Victoria’s room is basically been made into a general guest room.”

“Victoria and Noah can decide who wants the guest room-”

“Noah can sleep on the couch in the living room.”  My father cuts my mother off with his snide remark.

My mother flattens her lips, cowering slightly.  I give him a partially confused look.  What was with the tone?  I haven’t done anything… yet.  I knew he was somewhat passive of Noah but I didn’t see a reason for him to be like that.

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