Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Song Themes For This Chapter: Go Your Own Way – Karl Wolf; I Was A Fool – Tegan & Sara; One More Night – Jordan Knight


The cold air hits my bare arms and legs like a wave crashing against my skin.  I’d hoped I’d be able to find Louis.  Considering he was drunk when he was taken out, he couldn’t have gotten too far.

I ignored the weird looks I was getting due to walking the streets at night in a fancy dress and heels as I searched down every alleyway, every pathway…

“Louis!”  I called out.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk, my eyes shifting back and forth as I searched frantically.

“LOUIS!”  I called out, my voice sounding more desperate.

“Heyyyyyyyyy babe…Up heeeeeere!”

My head jolts back at the loud voice, my eyes instantly find Louis standing on the edge of the rooftop of some building a door down from where I’m standing.

“LOUIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!”  I shout, panicking.

“WHAAAAAT?  I CAN’T HEAR YOU BABYYYYYY!”  He shouts back.  He’s walking along the edge of the roof, noticeably swaying.  My heart is thumping so hard in my chest and I can feel my hands trembling.

“LOUIS!  STAY THERE OKAY?!”  I shout up to him as I run into the building that he’s currently on the roof of. 

It’s a bar, typical.  He must have come in here and drank more alcohol before somehow making it up to the roof.

I ran up the staircase as fast as I could, tripping a couple of times as I did.  Bursting through the door to the rooftop I screamed Louis’ name nearly tipping himself over the edge.

He flinched, throwing his hands out to steady himself, startled by me as he turned to face me.

His eyes were hooded as a lazy smile appeared on his face.  “Heyyyyyyyyy babeeeee.”

“Louis, what are you doing up here?”  I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.

He staggered backwards, smiling and looking completely out of it.  “I’m having fuuuuuuun.  Can’t you see?”  He leans over the edge of the roof, looking down at everything as he yells, “I’M HAVING FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!  WOOOOO!”

“Louis, get away from there!”  I run to him, grabbing him by the jacket and pulling him away from the edge of the roof.

I keep my grip on his arms just in case he decides to run back to the edge.  Sober Louis was unpredictable.  Drunk Louis was even more unpredictable.

“You came to look for me...”  He whispers, smiling as his head droops down, resting against mine.

“Yes, I was worried about you.  And good thing I found you before you did something stupid like fall over the edge of this roof!”

He chuckles.  “You’re so silly, Rose.”

I jump at the sound of the bottle he held in one of his hands slipping and shattering to pieces on the ground.  Louis didn’t flinch or make any reaction at all.

“Louis, you need to go home.  You’re drunk.”  I spoke quietly with concern.  “Can you call one of your boys to come get you?”

He grins and nudges my face lightly with his nose.  Warm breath washed down my neck as his lips ghosted over my jawline.  “I am drunk…drunk off you…you’re intoxicatingly sexy and I fucking love it.”

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