Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Song Themes For This Chapter: Happily – One Direction; Does He Know – One Direction


Harry searched frantically for a place to hide me, tugging me along as he rushed through the house.

I shrieked in reaction to being grabbed from behind and pulled away from Harry who quickly spun around to see what had happened.

It wasn’t Rick, but it was one of his men.  His arms were wrapped around mine so tight I could barely move.

Harry reacted quickly, charging at the man restraining me.  He let go of me so he could fight Harry back and I took the opportunity to get away from him.

“Rose, run!  Go find a place to hide!”  Harry shouted to me while trying to fight off Rick’s minion, or whatever you would call him.

I was hesitant to leave him but I just hoped he’d be alright.  I hoped the other four boys would be alright too.  I wondered if Louis was okay.  It took so much strength not to rush downstairs to see him.  I knew I would only be complicating things for him.

I found a small closet near where the bedrooms were and immediately hid inside it.  There wasn’t much in the closet except a few jackets.  If Rick or any of his men opened the doors they would easily spot me.

I backed up as far as I could against the back of the closet and shuffled the jackets to cover as much of me as I could.

The closet doors suddenly open and I was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth and the closet doors closed.

“It’s me.”  Louis’ voice whispers.  It was pitch black in the closet, I couldn’t see him.

His hand slowly withdrew and I felt him step closer to me, his warm breath laced with alcohol and cigarettes fanning over my face.

“What are you doi-”

“Shh.”  He quickly interrupts me.

“Where are the other bo-”

“Shh!”  He shushes me again, a bit louder this time, showing his annoyance.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds, wrapping my mind around the fact that we were in this confined, dark space together.  My heart started to race at the realization.


I heard what sounded like a frustrated sigh and a hand quickly clamped over my mouth again.

“Shh.”  He whispers again, still keeping his hand on my mouth.

I was stood against the far side of the closet now, Louis seemed to be standing in front of me, one hand covering my mouth, the other pressed against the closet near my head.  I couldn’t see him but I could feel his eyes on me.  I stared straight ahead, unsure if I was looking him in the eyes or not.

My breath caught in my throat.  I think Louis thought I was having trouble breathing because he loosened his hand on my mouth a little.

God, it was starting to feel hot in here.

What was Louis doing in here anyway?! This wasn’t the time to be playing games.  What happened to Rick and his men?  Where were Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn?

I gasped as Louis suddenly jumped out of the closet conveniently grabbing one of Rick’s men that had been standing or walking by the closet and tackled him to the ground.

Louis pulled a gun out from his jacket and shot the man right in the heart, killing him instantly.

I shrieked, my hands flying up to cover my mouth in shock.  I had just watched Louis kill someone in cold blood.  Oh my god.

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