Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Song Themes For This Chapter: Haven’t Had Enough – Marianas Trench; I Care ‘Bout You – Milestone


I knocked on the door of the warehouse, no one answered, nor could I hear any voices close by.  I knocked again, getting more anxious as I knocked again and again.  Still, no one answered.

I knew they were in there.  If they think they can just ignore the door and I will just go away they are dead wrong.

I walked over to one of the windows and peaked in.  The boys were nowhere to be seen.

I huffed as I quickly scanned around the place, searching for a way to get in.  I could try to kick the door open, but it probably wouldn’t be that easy to break down…would it?


I chewed on my bottom lip as I stared at my cards.  Fuck, we were losing bad.  We were only a few poker chips away from owing these idiots two grand.

My attention was momentarily averted at the sound of a distant thud, it sounded like it came from upstairs.

“Did you hear that?”  Zayn asked, exchanging glances with me and the other boys.

“Hear what?  I didn’t hear anything.”  I lied, my tone sounding harsh.

“It sounded like a thud or something.”  Zayn furrowed his eyebrows, seeming surprised that I was saying I didn’t hear it.

“Maybe we should check it out.”  Liam starts to get up from his seat.

“No!”  I snap at him.  “Sit down!  It was probably just Zayn’s imagination.”

Liam sits back down and stares at me in confusion.  “I heard it too, Louis.”

“Problem, boys?”  Rick, the leader of the gang we were playing against, asks while raising his eyebrows questioningly.

“No, no problem.”  I calmly reply before shifting my gaze to give Zayn and Liam a look of warning.  They didn’t seem to understand my snappy tone.

I wasn’t letting anything interrupt this game.  I had no doubt that the other boys in the opposing gang were armed, of course we were armed as well but I’d prefer to keep card games civilized.  We needed the money and we had to win.  If this turned into a fight we’d be at risk of getting involved with the police, we had to be careful enough already.


I groaned in pain as I slowly picked myself up off the floor.  Thankfully I didn’t break the door right off but I at least got it to open…however the boys will probably have to fix the lock on it now.

I carefully shut the door and turned around, scanning the place.  It was so quiet.  Were the boys even here?  I was sure Niall and Harry had gone in this direction.

I wanted to call out to Louis but I decided against it; he probably wasn’t going to like me breaking into his house.

As I walked around I started to hear the distant sound of voices.  My head turned in the direction of the voices and I was faced with the basement door.  As quiet as I possibly could, I opened the door to the basement, tiptoed in, and carefully shut it behind me.  The murmured voices started to get a little louder as I slowly stepped down the stairs.

Louis and the rest of the boys came into view, their backs to me as they sat at a round, black table.  Five other men I didn’t recognize were sitting across from them.  Poker chips were piled up in different spots, some scattered in the center of the table.

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