Hello Readers!

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Allo, this is Opaaru or Jeim as some of you may already know. Gosh, it's been sooooo long . . . So many inactive authors like me have betrayed wattpad. And honestly tho, I've already made my choice and quit wattpad a few months ago. Maybe some of you are still hoping that one day I'll update and I dunno . . .

Apart of me says yes and another part of me says let them think of what they want to think. I really really want to tell you how the story ends but I'm really lazy. 😂 I thought of just making it short as in really short. Like a summary of what happens in the end but I thought that would look shitty but the fanfic is already shitty so I might as well do it.

I don't watch anime anymore, I also don't read fanfics anymore.  I've left the world of fantasies sadly and went on with what you called . .  . Life.

I actually miss some of my readers here in Wattpad, like Abby. She was my number one supporter back then. Idk if she's still active but I really love how updated she was whenever I'd post out a new chapter. Makes my heart giggle with joy 😌💚

So guys, how's life with you? Wanna chat?

Oh and I'm really thinking about that ending :) so go ahead and comment on what you think!

Drawing acc: @iopaaru
Personal: @marsoong

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